CH. 41

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Never in her wildest dreams did she expect her first pregnancy to go this way. Her inner child had everything planned out. 

1. Date Sasuke-Kun.

2. Marry Sasuke-Kun.

3. Start a family with Sasuke-Kun.

Then everything went to hell. First, it was Orochimaru going after her teammate and placing a curse mark on him. Then it was Sasuke leaving the Leaf village to pursue power and vengeance. After that, she decided she'd protect her village and become stronger. She'd learn from the best medic there was, and show her team that even though they left her behind, she could become strong without them.

And strong she became. Not only did she become as strong as the Fifth Hokage, but she also became one of the best medics in the world. Surpassing her own master. Then her village was attacked and almost leveled. And Sasuke joined the group that destroyed her village. She realized then that she had to stop him. 

And after trying twice to kill him, he almost killed her instead. Twice.

But who came to her rescue? Kakashi and Naruto. 

She was ashamed of herself for going after her teammate, who was lost to his vengeance. Naruto saw right through his mental breakdown, and straight to Sasuke's heart. He knew he could never give up on his friend. And here she was, giving up. 

Then the fourth shinobi war came and went. Team 7 was back together and took down a God. 

Everything seemed like it would go back to normal. Sasuke was back home, even though he was locked up. The village was on the mend, and she kept herself busy with healing everyone, mentally and physically. 

Sasuke was deemed mentally stable after a while and was going to redeem himself out in the world. She became that little girl again and decided to support him. She said goodbye and he poked her forehead. She thought she was in love again. 

Until he came back months later, took her virginity, then left again for months, with no communication. 

Then she received the dreaded request to help Sasuke rebuild his clan. After a lot of trial and error with Karin, tests, and research with Orochimaru, then dealing with Sasuke's issues, she finally thought she had everything figured out and helped Karin become pregnant.

Sadly, Karin lost the baby and Sakura had to start all over again. Everything seemed to be working, except Karin's body couldn't maintain the chakra to the fetus. The only thing that Sakura could think of was that too much chakra was siphoned from Karin over the years and it destroyed her body's reproductive chakra network. 

Karin was so upset and begged Sakura to find a way to help her. Sasuke was angry and withdrawn as usual. Which ended up making Sakura even angrier at the whole situation. But in the end, she knew it wasn't Karin's fault that she was abused over the years for her clan's healing chakra or Sasuke's fault that his whole clan was destroyed. So Sakura stepped up and did what any good medic, friend, and comrade would do in this situation.

She suggested that Karin's fertilized egg with Sasuke's sperm be implanted into her uterus.

And here she is, leading her other teammate, along with her friend, down a corridor to retrieve her belongings.

Did she mention any of this to Kakashi in her last letter to him? No. Why? Because she was afraid, that's why. So she left the message up to Sasuke, who has become extremely attentive to her since she became pregnant. As well as Karin. Which is both annoying and weird. 

All she wants is to be back home, in Kakashi's arms. If he'll have her that is. Once he finds out that she's the one carrying the baby, he'll most likely give her the cold shoulder and leave her to deal with this mess on her own.

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