CH. 9

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Sakura felt like her heart was in her throat. Her eyes were burning with unshed tears and she was trying her best not to break down in front of her old Sensei.

She always knew that he was a man of few words unless he felt passionate about something, and the way he just explained how lovable Sakura is, she just wanted to reach out and hug the life out of him.

She did just that.

Kakashi was stunned when Sakura jumped out of her seat and pulled Kakashi up into the biggest bear hug he's ever received from anyone, including Gai.

Barely containing her tears, Sakura's body shook, as she wrapped her slim but strong arms around him in a vice grip. She had no words for Kakashi's heartful speech, so she thanked him the best way she knew how.

Kakashi wrapped his arms around her lovingly, not caring that they were causing a scene among the other patrons having dinner around them. He gently rubbed her back with his right hand, while his left stroked the small hairs at her neck. Sakura's head was tucked right under his chin as he closed his eyes and hummed a soothing melody to help Sakura calm down.


Kakashi and Sakura came out of their loving embrace to turn their attention to the waitress. Sakura grabbed a napkin to wipe her face, as Kakashi's attention was on the waitress. Her face was pink and she shyly held out their bill, while looking away.

Kakashi grabbed their bills from her and quickly grabbed some ryō to cover both bills and handed it back to the waitress. She bowed to them as Sakura was just looking back at her, after wiping her tears away with a napkin.

"Did you just pay for my dinner?" Sakura asked sounding bewildered.

"You act surprised Sakura. I can be thoughtful sometimes." Kakashi said acting hurt by clutching at his heart.

Sakura giggled at how silly her old Sensei could be sometimes. He used to drive her crazy with how aloof he could be and inconsiderate of his teammates when eating out together. He always made them pay his bill.

Sakura took her seat and sipped on her now lukewarm tea. Her heart was feeling lighter after Kakashi's words and she wanted to sit with him for a few more minutes, before going back to work.

Kakashi took his seat as well and thoughtfully watched Sakura sip her tea as he skimmed the rim of his teacup with his finger, chin resting on his other hand.

"It's true Sakura. You are very lovable and if anyone ever makes you feel like you're not, then you send them my way and I'll straighten them out. I am wondering though if maybe your feelings have something to do with Sasuke being away?" Kakashi gently pried.

He knew that he was walking on thin ice when it came to discussing Sasuke with Sakura. She was clearly hurt by him but he wasn't sure in what way. Hopefully, he buttered her up with his previous speech and she would feel comfortable enough to open up to him.

Sakura's fist clenched in her lap as thoughts of Sasuke entered her mind again. She's been trying so hard to ignore the thoughts but maybe letting them out would help.

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