CH. 10

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Sakura took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. Kakashi waited patiently for her reply. He knew whatever happened between them, wasn't going to be easy to talk about.

"After the war, after Naruto and Sasuke's final battle, and after Sasuke came back from his penance of two years, he finally showed more interest in me. I waited for him patiently because I could see a change in his eyes when he looked at me before leaving. He doesn't just poke anyone in the forehead. He came to me, after my shift at the hospital that night, eight months ago."

"I found him sitting in the dark, at my kitchen table, with one of my medical books opened in front of him, along with my notes. I didn't sense him when I walked in and only guessed that he was hiding his chakra to surprise me. And believe me, I was surprised. I asked him how long he's been waiting for me but he didn't reply. He just stood up, walked over to me, grabbed my face gently, and kissed me. The kiss startled me, but after a few minutes of gently kissing, it became more."

"He pushed me towards my bedroom, and we both fell onto my bed making out. I finally felt like our time together had come and we could be a couple. However, I also felt that everything was going quicker than I was comfortable with. Sasuke then became a little more aggressive with his kisses and touches."

"I thought at the time that maybe he was just feeling so overwhelmed with seeing me, that he wanted to skip the dating part and go right to the making love part. Thinking about it now, I can't believe how naive I was. He started to pull my clothes off and I went with the flow and pulled his off. The next thing I know, he took my virginity."

"It was painful and I wasn't really ready, but I didn't say no either. When he was done, there were no words of love, no extra kissing or cuddling. Just heavy panting and Sasuke retrieving his clothes. I asked him if everything was okay, but he wouldn't answer me. He left through my window that night and I never heard from him until yesterday at the bar." Sakura explained sadly.

"He broke my heart Sensei. And over the last 8 months, I finally said goodbye to that little girl who thought she truly loves Sasuke and that he loved her back. She died that night when he left."

Sakura felt like a weight was lifting off her shoulders when she told Kakashi her story. She didn't even go into detail when she explained she was done with Sasuke to Ino and the others. They all just assumed that she gave up.

Kakashi was boiling over in anger. He wanted to strangle his teammate and lock him up for life. Sakura deserved her first time to be so much more than a quick bang and ditch. Especially with the one man who she thought loved her.

He knew now more than ever, that even though he wanted to feel Sakura out on her thoughts about him pursuing her, he would show her the kind of love she deserved, even if she only wanted to just stay friends.

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