CH. 32

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"Come back to me," were the last words whispered into her ear by Kakashi, before she left the village several days ago. She made her way to the coordinates that Sasuke provided, taking breaks as needed. Her mission is simple but daunting. Find a way for the last Uchiha to procreate. She also knew that she'd be working with Orochimaru, which was terrifying and intriguing all at once. The sannin has changed after the war, according to Kakashi and Sasuke. It was explained to her that he was remade using the DNA inside a curse mark on Anko, along with DNA on Kabuto. 

The thought of him coming back to life made her feel sick to her stomach. This man is the reason their third Hokage was killed. He was the reason for Sasuke leaving the village. He was the cause of so much suffering and pain to whole clans, all in the name of science. But that science and knowledge is also his saving grace. He can use what he knows to rebuild whole villages if he wants to. Including Sasuke's clan. 

Sakura carefully made her way to the meeting point that Sasuke instructed in his letter. It was a small town in the Land of Grass, and a small inn that he was based inside of. She walked inside and up to the older man behind the check-in counter. 

"Excuse me, I'm here to meet Daichi..." Sakura started to ask but was cut off by a slim, dark-haired man, wearing a cloak and hat. 

"Hello, Sakura." Sasuke greeted in disguise.

"Oh, hello Daichi. It's been a while. I hope you and your family are doing well." Sakura replied in code. She knew she had to pretend to be talking to a man who isn't Sasuke, so she played along.

"I'm doing well Sakura-sensei. Thank you for coming out here. I know you've been busy, but a friend of mine has thrown his back out while working and could use your help. He has a family to feed, and the sooner he gets back to work, the sooner his family can get fed." 

Sasuke then nodded to the inn-keeper and proceeded to walk Sakura out of the inn and down the road.

"Will I not be staying here?" She asked in confusion. Sakura thought that she'd at least stay at the inn and maybe work out of a local clinic. But Sasuke had other plans.

"No. You'll be staying at my friend's home as he heals. He has everything you'll need in his home."

Friend indeed. She's going to be staying in a creepy, underground hideout is what he meant to say. 

They made their way to Orochimaru's hideout, at which she was surprised by an ANBU operative. She knew who he was the moment he dropped down in front of her. 

"BEAR-SAN! I haven't seen you in so long!" she yelled happily, as she ran over to him and hugged him. 

"It's been a while Sakura. I hope you've been well?" Captain Yamato asked as he hugged her back. 

"It has been a while. How are you? I haven't done your check-up in a while. Here, let me put my bag down and I'll check you quickly." 

Sakura placed her pack on the ground, then heard Sasuke tsk behind her. He grabbed her by the elbow and tried to pull her away from Yamato, but she wasn't having that. Being trained by Lady Tsunade, made her just as strong, if not stronger, and she braced her feet onto the ground and pulled her arm out of Sasuke's with bruising speed. Then she hovered her glowing, green hands over Yamato, as he stood stock-still. 

"There, all done. You're just as healthy as you were when I last saw you." 

"Thank you, Sakura. I hope we can have some time to catch up with each other." He said as he grabbed Sakura's pack and handed it back to her. He bowed low to her before retreating toward his perch on a tree. 

"Now that you two are done wasting time, let's get inside, so you can settle down and take care of my friend," Sasuke commanded.

Sakura rolled her eyes and followed Sasuke to the entrance. 

Kami, she wanted to punch him so badly.

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