CH. 49

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"Mama, Papa!?" Sakura yelled as she entered her parent's home, taking her shoes off by the door. She looked around her old home and immediately felt nostalgic. Everything was the same, from the furniture to the family photos. She could smell dinner being prepared and knew her parents would be either in the kitchen or dining room, so she made her way towards the delectable smell of her mother's cooking.


After she pulled herself away from Kakashi's office, looking ravished and disheveled, she made her way to the hospital to have her talk with Tsunade and the staff. Kakashi agreed to meet her at her parent's home after he remembered he had a few meetings, so he couldn't walk her there personally. Sakura thought that would work better than accompanying her since she could ease her parents into the idea of what was going on in her life.

Sakura remembered making her way to the hospital and noticing people staring at her with different looks, ranging from sneering to disgust. There were also whispers she picked up along her way. 

"I heard she's sleeping with her whole team." 

"Who does she think she is, going after our Hokage while being pregnant with that traitor's child?" 

"I wonder if she'll fuck anyone?" 

"Maybe when she's done with her team, I'll have a chance." 

Sakura wasn't surprised by the murmurs but was surprised by how quickly her personal life was spreading like wildfire through the village. Her baby bump was barely showing and she never made any public announcement about her relationship with Kakashi. She guessed someone inside of the Hokage tower must have heard the loud commotion in his office the day prior and spread the rumors from there.

Sakura could care less about what everyone thought about her though. She was the Godaime's apprentice, Team 7's and Team Kakashi's strongest kunoichi, the next Sannin, and one of the best medic nin's in all the nations. If these villagers want to spread gossip about her personal life then so be it. She fought in a war for them to do so.

Sakura made her way inside the hospital and was immediately greeted by her staff, who all looked excited to have her back. Which made sense since Lady Tsunade could be a lot scarier than herself to work with.

After greeting everyone and avoiding random questions about her mission, her relationship with the Hokage or Sasuke, and if she's pregnant. She just laughed and told them all to get back to work. Heading towards her office, which was being used by Tsunade currently, she walked inside without knocking.

Her Shishou was busy reading charts when she looked up to greet Sakura with a stern look on her face. Sakura paled a little and felt extra nervous suddenly. Here she was thinking that her mentor would be happy for her, but she looked almost livid as she sat up straight, laying down the chart she was reading with a loud "thwap".

"Hi-i Shishou. How has everything been going? I hope m-my ab-bsence didn't b-burden you too much?" Sakura stuttered out nervously. She could feel the sweat beading down her nape and hoped Tsunade didn't notice. The woman was like a predator who can sniff out nervous prey, ready to chew out anyone who pissed her off. And sadly, Sakura always wore her feelings on her sleeves.

"Sakura Haruno! You have some explaining to do! How dare you not consult me about fertility treatments before you go off and impregnate yourself with that brat's offspring?!" Tsunade angrily questioned. "And not only did you not consult me, but you also worked with Orochimaru instead! Then you go and start a relationship with your old Sensei, who is now our Hokage behind my back! Am I not family? Do you fear me that much, to not come to me about what's happening in your life?" Tsunade asked, losing steam and sounding dejected.

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