Ch. 30

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Sakura's head was spinning. She and Kakashi somehow found their way back at his apartment, food forgotten on his table, and laid out on his couch, having a steamy make-out session.

Sakura couldn't think straight. She wanted to give herself to Kakashi so badly, but was so afraid of repeating her first experience, that she kept hesitating.

Kakashi had his hand down her pants, fingering her delicate folds through her damp panties, as his other hand was tangled in her hair.

Sakura felt like the couch was eating her, and wanted to continue what they were doing, but also needed to think. "Ka...ka..shi..." she panted into his hair, as he hummed against her throat.

Her own hands were squeezing his shoulders, wanting him to stop and not stop at the same time. "Ka...kashi...please slow down." She felt Kakashi tense on top of her and immediately he removed himself to the other end of the couch, panting.

"I'm sorry Sakura. Did I hurt you? I get so carried away when I'm with you." He rubbed his face and looked so tired suddenly, that Sakura felt her heartache.

She moved over to sit next to him, hand on his in his lap, and squeezed gently as he tried to get him to look at her. "Kakashi, please look at me."

His beautiful grey eyes looked up from his hands on his lap, and into her jade ones. "You didn't hurt me. I want to continue this but I need time to think. Maybe going on this mission will be good for us. Some time apart can be good for us." she suggested.

She didn't want to leave him, but then again, the more practical side of her mind wanted time. So much is on her plate right now, and she needs to consider everything.

"I understand Sakura. That's a really wise decision. But I have to admit, knowing that you'll be around Sasuke for the next few weeks bothers me. I trust you and whatever decision you make, but I don't fully trust him. If it wasn't for Naruto's suggestion that I should let him prove his alliance to our village by letting him out, he'd still be locked up and receiving therapy. But I trust you'll be able to handle him, so whatever you decide I'll sign off on."

Kakashi squeezed her hands in his, warmth moving from her hands up to her face suddenly with the amount of affection she could see on his face. "Thank you, Kakashi. I think the sooner I get this mission over with, the sooner I can be back in your arms. Would you like to grab some breakfast with me before I leave in the morning?"

She could see the sadness in his eyes and it almost broke her, but he nodded in agreement, then kissed her forehead. "That sounds good. Let me pack up some of this food for you to take home. I know you have a lot of packing to do."

He got up and walked back to the table to gather up their cold dinner, and placed it back in the takeout containers. She got up herself and walked over to him to wrap her arms around his back in a tight hug. She felt his hand rub hers, then he turned in her arms to hold her face in his hands. She felt his thumbs rub the tears off her face and dipped his head to kiss her slowly. She could feel so much in his kiss and she could only hope that he felt her love as well.

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