Ch. 15

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"There was once a lone white wolf that was roaming the lands in search of his mate. He came across this land many years ago and felt thirsty. He could smell water not far off, so he traveled through the woods and came upon this lake. As he lapped up the water, he heard the faint tinkling of bells behind a tree. He looked up in curiosity and walked over to the tree to inspect the sound. There he found a small fairy, glowing brightly under the moonlight, looking frail and scared of him. He sniffed her, only to sneeze right in her face. She giggled and that's what the wolf heard as tinkling bells."

"Normally the wolf wouldn't bother with such a creature, but he found himself being pulled into her beauty. The fairy was just as drawn to the wolf as he was to her. She lifted her tiny hand to pet his muzzle and he dipped his head down to let her. As she inspected the wolf, he inspected her. She had dark brown, curly hair, with strands of gold weaved into her curls. Her eyes were a bright blue color that twinkled with affection, and her lips were pink like sakura petals. He could see translucent wings attached to her back, that almost looked golden. She was wearing a white garment that glowed in the moonlight but nothing else."

"The fairy stared into the wolf's dark, charcoal eyes, inching closer to his face. She placed a chaste kiss on his snout and laid her head on him. He laid down next to her and allowed her to climb onto his face to lay down and pet him. They both fell asleep for a little while until they heard yelling at the other end of the lake. The wolf jumped up and growled to whoever was yelling because he knew that it was men warring with each other. The fairy was still hanging onto his fur for dear life at the end of his snout, looking frightened."

"The wolf decided right there that he needed to protect her, so he flipped her onto the top of his head and ran in the opposite direction of the yelling. The fairy squeezed her eyes shut and they flew through the woods, shaking in fright. All of a sudden, the world tilted and both the wolf and the fairy fell to the ground. Men were yelling nearby and the fairy opened her eyes to see that the wolf was injured, with an arrow sticking out of his gut. The wolf panted in pain and watched as the fairy covered her face, tears pouring out of her eyes."

"The wolf licked her to calm her and that's when she started to glow brightly. She looked at him in the eyes, placed her hands on his wound, and made more tinkling sounds. The wolf felt like he was almost dead, and closed his eyes one last time. But when the wolf opened his eyes, instead of laying there dying as he thought he was, he found himself alive and laying next to a beautiful woman. He went to nuzzle her but realized he had no snout to nuzzle with. And instead of his paw coming to his face to inspect his snout, a hand was there, touching his nose."

"He realized that the fairy turned him into a human and healed him. He looked at the woman next to him and realized that she was the fairy but in human form. Whatever magic she placed on them saved them. He heard men coming closer and tried his best to cover her. The men started to yell at each other, looking for the wolf that they shot. When they saw him and the woman, they were shocked. The wolf, now man growled at them and they stood frozen in their tracks. They looked at one another and ran off from the white-haired man and the woman by his side. When they came back, they had a few women with them, along with clothing for the wolf and the fairy."

"They clothed them and brought them back to the village to find out who they are. Neither the wolf nor the fairy knew what to tell them, so they made up a name. Hatake was the chosen clan name that day. And the wolf said that the fairy was his wife and that they were running from war. The village took them in that day and let them claim the land that they were found in. The wolf fought for the village and would come home after fighting, to his fairy wife, and their children many times over the years, until his death. The fairy died of old age, caring for her children, and her grandchildren. And that's how the Hatake clan came to this village, or so the story goes."

Kakashi finished his story and turned his head to gaze at Sakura, who was quietly sniffing, with a tear sliding down her face. He wiped away the tear with his finger and felt the pull into her emerald eyes, just as the white wolf did when looking at the fairy.

That's when Sakura sucked in her breath, closed her eyes, then leaned into Kakashi, kissing his masked lips. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her back gently, as they floated around the lake, under the moonlight.

Both felt each other's pull that night. Just like the white wolf and the fairy.

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