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"Push!" Tsunade instructed Sakura.

"I am!" Sakura yelled back, feeling her insides split open.

"You're doing great Blossom!" Kakashi shouted through his pain. His hand was being crushed.

"Come on Sakura, you've already done this once before, just breath and push!" Tsunade said, sounding annoyed.

"Ahhhhh!" Sakura yelled out in pain.


"Sakura-chan sounds like she's having a rough time. Wonder how Kakashi-Sensei is holding up?" Naruto mentioned as he stood in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Dope! She's giving birth! Of course, she's having a rough time. And Kakashi is probably having to deal with his hand being crushed." Sasuke replied.

"I hope they're okay in there," Hinata whispered worriedly.

"I wonder what color the baby's hair will be." Ino wondered out loud.

"My money is on silver like Kakashi's," Kiba interjected.

"The child's hair will be most likely pink. Why? Because Sakura's DNA is probably stronger than Kakashi's." Shino added.

"What if the kid has pink and silver hair?" Choji asked, eating another bag of chips.

"This is all so troublesome." Shikamaru sighed.

"The child will be youthful just like its parents!" Gai yelled excitedly.

"Yosh!" Lee yelled in agreement.

"Please stop." TenTen sighed, looking exasperated at her teammates.

Just then they all stopped guessing when they heard the screaming of a newborn baby coming from the room across from them. Minutes later, Kakashi came out, holding a small bundle in his hands.

"Meet my daughter, Rin Hatake," Kakashi whispered, as he stared lovingly at his daughter.

They all looked at the baby girl, swaddled in a pink blanket, and immediately noticed her silver hair. 

"She's beautiful!" They all cooed. 

Kakashi walked back into the delivery room to his wife, to hand their daughter back to her mother. Sakura held her gently, smiling sweetly at their little bundle of joy.

"She's perfect isn't she?" Sakura whispered.

"Just like her mother," Kakashi whispered back, as he tucked a pink lock of hair behind Sakura's ear. 

"Who would have thought that at my age, I would have given birth to two beautiful baby girls." Sakura chuckled.

"Sarada will be excited to meet her step-sister."

"Yes, she will. Did Sasuke and Karin bring her?"

"Sasuke said that Karin will bring her in later after she's had her nap," Kakashi explained.

"I'm so happy they made me Sarada's Godmother. It's like we're one big family." Sakura said, smiling into her daughter's silver tuft of hair. 

"Want to try for a son?" Kakashi whispered.

"You're too much Kashi. At least let me rest for a few weeks." Sakura laughed.


A few months later...

"Kashi! Can you take Rin for a few hours? I have an appointment with Tsunade." Sakura asked as she walked into the Hokage's office, holding their daughter.

"Sure. Is everything okay?" Kakashi asked as he grabbed his daughter and kissed her forehead.

"Well, you know how I was throwing up this morning?" Sakura asked shyly.

"Yeah, is it serious though?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Depends on Tsunade's exam. If I'm right, then we'll need to make more room in our home in nine months." Sakura chuckled. She couldn't keep the smile off her face, as she looked into Kakashi's startled face. 

"Wait!? Are you saying you may be pregnant?" Kakashi jumped up with their daughter and hugged Sakura excitedly.

"I think so!" Sakura laughed out.

"I love you so much!" Kakashi cried out, as tears escaped his eyes.

"I love you!" Sakura cried back.

A/N: Thanks, everyone for reading my first KakaSaku fanfiction! I hope to write more in the future since I still need to work on my writing skills. I appreciate all the comments and likes you all gave my story. It kept me motivated to keep writing. 

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