CH. 46

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Sighing under the spray of her hot shower, Sakura scrubbed her body clean of all the dirt, sweat, and tears from the last few days. Muscles relaxed, she leaned her head against the cool tile of her shower wall and thought about everything Kakashi said to her. The loving look he gave her before she left his office was all the confirmation she needed to know that he wasn't leaving her. Now she needed to figure out how she could prove to him that he is all she ever wanted or needed.

Turning the shower off, she stepped out into her cool bathroom, dried herself off, applied her favorite moisturizer to her skin, combed her hair out to air dry, brushed her teeth, then wrapped herself in her bathrobe. Sakura walked out to her bedroom and looked through her clothes for some loose clothing to wear on her growing body. She didn't have much of a baby bump, but it was clear that her belly was changing. Being a kunoichi, she always had tight abs, but now she was growing a small belly. She was almost to the second trimester by the time Naruto and Hinata came to escort her back home, so her body wasn't fully showing her pregnancy yet, but she was sure it would be soon. She decided on a pair of stretchy, red shorts she usually wore during laundry day, and a black, sleeveless shirt that she'd wear to bed sometimes, then an old pair of panties she wore when feeling bloated. She also decided that she was going to skip wearing her chest wraps or bra since her breasts were currently feeling tender. 

After dressing, Sakura made her way to her kitchen to see what she still had in there that was edible. She made sure to clean out any perishables before leaving for her long mission, so she mostly had cups of ramen, packages of rice, and pickled umeboshi. Ramen didn't sound good to her at the moment, so she took out her rice and some umeboshi, to eat. Setting up her tea kettle, she got started on making some tea, along with rinsing off her rice and putting it in the rice cooker. Once everything was ready, she sat down to her meal, said her thanks, and dug in. As she ate, she thought of everything and everyone she was going to need to talk to in the next few months. Her parents were the first ones who needed to know, because soon the whole village will be spreading rumors of her affair with Sasuke, and now Kakashi. She was also going to need to speak with Ino because she'll chew her ears off if she doesn't tell her right away.  Then there's Tsunade, Shizune, and the hospital staff. The list kept growing in her head and combined with all the food she had just eaten, and the fatigue she was feeling from her return trip, she decided that a nap was sorely needed. 

No sooner than she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, was she woken up to loud banging at her door. 


Sakura guessed that talking with Ino was going to happen before she spoke to her parents then. 

Opening the door to an excited, and very pregnant Ino, she couldn't help but smile big. 

"Forehead! I've missed you so much! Now tell me everything! I heard Sasuke and that Karin woman came back with you. I also heard that you and Kakashi are a couple now. Why do you look so tired? Are your breasts bigger?"

Sakura sighed and turned around to let Ino inside and make her some tea. 

"Sit Pig, we have a lot to discuss." she tiredly replied. 

Ino took a seat at her kitchen table and watched Sakura like a hawk. 

"You look different. Not just bigger breasts, but you look puffy." Ino squinted and tried to look at Sakura like she was some sort of Hyuga with the Byakugan. 

Sakura finished the tea and sat down to pour them both a cup. She explained the mission as best she could, and ended with what happened in Kakashi's office. She watched Ino carefully, knowing that she was going to give her an ear full. 

"I should have known that Uchiha would pull something like this. I had a bad feeling this whole time you were gone. But I'm glad it's not yours. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see you with your own babies and raise them while I'm raising mine, but not with Sasuke. You and Kakashi raising kids together would be perfect. Have you both discussed that yet, or marriage? You know that the whole village is going to talk about your relationship with him, as well as being pregnant with Sasuke and Karin's baby." Ino asked, sipping on her now cold tea. 

"I know Pig. And no, Kakashi and I haven't discussed our relationship all that much. It's still fairly new and we've only been on several dates. However, I wouldn't be opposed to taking our relationship to the next level. We're just going to have to talk it out I guess." Sakura said shyly, staring at her hands. 

"Well, I for one will be on board with whatever you decide Forehead. And I'll be honored to be your maid of honor when the time comes." Ino suggested, wagging her brows suggestively. 

"Kami Pig! I need some time before I even think about marriage! We still need to figure out the children's clinic you know! And you're going to be busy with your baby, while I'm carrying this one. One thing at a time! I was talking about being more intimate anyways. These hormones are killing me." Sakura replied tiredly.

"Oh! You and Kakashi haven't taken that next step yet? Kami, you are in for a wild ride Forehead! Those hormones are no joke! I've been jumping Sai every chance I get!" Ino laughed.

"For Kami's sake Pig! I don't want to hear about your sex life with Sai of all people! And Kakashi and I have gotten close, but it's hard for me to go further with him because all I could ever think of was how Sasuke left me after taking my virginity. I don't want to go through that again." Sakura sadly replied, feeling tears starting to build behind her eyelashes. 

Damn these hormones! 

"All I'm going to say is that the best position for a pregnant woman is..." Ino started but was cut off by a knock on Sakura's door.

Sakura noticed how late it had gotten, and remembered that Kakashi was going to head over as soon as he could. Butterflies started to build up in her stomach, and the conversation she was just having with Ino wasn't helping with her sudden need for Kakashi and his hard body on hers.  

"Time to go Pig! I'll talk to you later!" Sakura excitedly announced as she walked Ino to her door. Ino knew who was behind that door and sneered at her best friend.

Opening her door, Ino greeted Kakashi, "Hi Hokage-Sama! I'm just leaving, but you two have fun tonight!" Ino turned to Sakura, brows wagging again. 

Sakura's face became hot and she knew it was probably red as a tomato. She mumbled, "Goodbye Pig." before she turned to smile at Kakashi.

"Haha! Sorry about her Kakashi. Come in and I'll make you some tea. We have a lot to talk about." she said as she ushered him inside, laughing uncomfortably. 

"That we do Love, but first..." Kakashi stopped her, pulled down his mask, and pulled her into a heated kiss. 

Tonight's going to be a long night.


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