CH. 8

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Coming home to his empty apartment, Kakashi grabbed some clean clothes from his closet and made his way to his shower. He had so many thoughts running through his mind and he needed clarification.

His thoughts kept wandering back to Sakura and her in that red dress she wore last night. Then her standing half-naked in her room. He shook his head under the spray of the shower and turned the hot water to cold.

Finishing up his shower, he dried off and dressed in his usual attire. Sitting down on his couch, Kakashi grabbed his favorite Icha Icha book and laid there for what felt like forever reading.

It was only 10 minutes and his thoughts were already going back to Sakura.

He's too old, too jaded, too broken, and would only break Sakura's heart. She deserves someone who would appreciate her completely. Someone who would let her stay strong, hot-headed, curious, and playful. Someone who would not change her and shower her with love every day.

Kakashi is selfish though.

After the war, he watched Sakura change. She perfected her medical skills, along with her powerful punches. Her anger went from boiling over, to a low simmer now. Her excitement is contagious when she talks about the children's clinic and he can't help but smile when he thinks about it.

He needs more data though. Maybe if he knew that there was a possibility that Sakura would see him as someone worthy enough to pursue her, then he could decide if the cons of that decision would be worth the pros.

On that thought, Kakashi jumped up and decided to go find Sakura.

He knew she said something about working later, so he'd first try the hospital. Normally, Kakashi wouldn't come towards the sinister building, unless being forced, but today was different. He was on a mission. A very important mission.

Walking inside, and ignoring the overwhelming stench of antiseptic, he made his way towards the reception desk.

"Excuse me, is Sakura Haruno available?" he asked the receptionist politely.

"I'm sorry Hatake-san, but she's currently in surgery. She'll probably be there for the next few hours. Would you like to wait here or make an appointment?" she asked as her face started to blush slightly.

"No, I'll check in with her later. Thanks," he replied, feeling disappointed.

He knew she's a busy medic, but he was really hoping to have a little chat with her.

Later that evening, after walking around the village, and sparring with Gai, he finally made his way back towards the hospital. Hopefully, Sakura would be finished by now. He was making his way over to the entrance when his nose picked up her sent in the air. He looked over towards a dumpling restaurant and noticed her sitting at a table, next to the window upfront.

Walking into the restaurant, he walked up to Sakura's table and proceeded to take a seat opposite of her. She looked like she was lost in her small game of mahjong when she finally noticed him next to her.

After greeting Sakura and chuckling at her explanation on why she never expected him to be there, he formed a few questions in his mind to ask her. He wants to know if she may be interested, but he wants to protect his own heart as well as what they have right now. He started the conversation off by asking her about the clinic when she threw him off completely with a question of her own.

"Sensei? Why am I so unlovable?" Sakura asked sadly.

Kakashi was floored. How can she think that she's unlovable? He has to put her straight before her train of thought gets out of hand. "Well...for starters..." he started to say when the server brought Sakura's plate of dumplings over, and Sakura's face went from looking sad to ravenous.

Sakura proceeded to stuff dumpling after dumpling into her mouth and Kakashi could only watch with amusement at how hungry she is. She gulped down some tea when she looked at him watching her, with an amused smile under his mask.

She cleared her throat then said, looking embarrassed, "Sorry Sensei. I was so hungry after that 5-hour surgery and paperwork afterward. What were you starting to say?"

"I was going to say that for starters, you should never feel like you're unlovable Sakura. If anything, you're the most lovable woman I have ever met. You wear your heart on your sleeve, always saving everyone physically and mentally. You can make everyone smile with your excitement, and everyone can easily trust you after just a few words of encouragement. So never feel like you're unlovable, okay." he said with sincerity.

Sakura's face was turning red and he could see unshed tears forming in her beautiful green eyes.

Maybe he said too much?

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