Ch. 20

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Kakashi somehow always knew what she needed. And right now, Sakura needed time. Time to think, time to understand, and time to forgive.

"Time is good. Time is what we both need."

Finishing up her soup, Sakura sipped on her tea and went to gather their bowls to clean.

"Nope. I'll take care of that." Kakashi said as he snatched the bowls from her grasp.

"How are you so perfect? All I remember is a time where you would leave our team with the bill and poof away. Or say thanks for the food and then disappear before you could be roped into cleaning."

This was a whole new side of Kakashi that she never knew about and she found him very charming.

And sexy. Definitely sexy.

Kakashi chuckled then shrugged his shoulder. He walked over to the sink and began washing the dishes. Sakura stretched her aching body as she stood then made her way to stand next to kakashi, drying dishes as he cleaned them.

There was a tension coming off of him in waves and she would never have known by just looking at him from across the table. His shoulders were stiff and his back straight. His movements robotic as he washed one dish at a time.

"Eh..Kakashi? Are you okay? You seem a little tense about something."

She hoped it wasn't something she said or did.

Kakashi handed her the last dish to dry, then took the towel from her, and dried his hands. He placed the towel down slowly on the counter while staring at Sakura with a dark look in his eyes that sent heat to her inner core.

Sakura gulped and licked her dry lips. This feeling was new. Sasuke never looked at her like she was about to be devoured.

Kakashi casually stepped in front of her, and made her turn to face him with her butt hitting the counter. His hands came up to her waist and slowly trailed down to her hips. His face slowly came forward until she could feel his hot breath trailing over her temple. The heat in her core burned hotter with each circle he traced with his fingers on her hips.

Sakura felt his masked lips trail down her face then towards her neck. Her heart started to race and she could feel her panties become wet with each hot breath through Kakashi's mask on her neck.

Kakashi then placed a kiss to her pulse point on her neck. Sakura's eyes closed and she couldn't stop the whimper that slipped out of her mouth.

Then she felt his mouth on hers. His uncovered mouth!

Holy shit! He's kissing her with his soft, uncovered lips.

Kakashi let out a low growl that made Sakura shiver and her hands automatically wrap around his neck to pull him down for a more heated kiss.

She hopped up on the counter and kakashi wedged himself between her legs. Her panties became so wet that she was sure he could feel the dampness seeping onto his on pants.

Kakashi's hands squeezed her hips hard as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and fought hers for dominance.

Sakura couldn't help herself from rolling her hips into his, as her legs wrapped around him. She could feel his hardness through the fabric of his pants and rubbed her core against him without thinking.

Kakashi growled again, then pulled back enough to lay his forehead against her own. Both of them were panting hard when he lifted his hands to her face, then stroked her cheeks with his thumbs.

Sakura took a chance to open her eyes and finally saw Kakashi's face without his mask.

Oh Kami! She must be the luckiest woman alive because his face is the prettiest damn face she's ever laid eyes upon.

I mean, that strong jaw line, slightly crooked nose, full but masculine lips, and a small beauty mark near his mouth made him even more handsome than Sasuke.

Then she giggled. Which turned hysterical because now she's the first of her teammates to see their old sensei's face.

Kakashi stood back, looking at her like she's lost her mind.

"Is there a reason why you're laughing like a crazed woman?"

"Hahaha...uhhhh..well you see..Naruto, Sasuke, and I had a bet on who would see your face first and it seems I'm the winner. And I just have to say that you are the most gorgeous man I have ever seen! No wonder you keep your face hidden!"

Sakura wiped some stray tears from her eyes and hopped off the counter. She pulled Kakashi back to her face to kiss him sweetly on the lips, then pulled his mask back up for him.

"I'm happy that I was able to make you feel better. However, it's getting late and I need to head back to the office. I hate to just leave you after sharing something so intimate with you, but I still have more work to do. Are you available tomorrow night for dinner again?"

Sakura's heart felt like it was going to burst through her chest in excitement.

"Yes! I'm actually off tomorrow. Would you like me to stop by your office?"

Kakashi shook his head and gave her a mischievous look.

"No, I'll pick you up at 7. It will be a surprise."

Kakashi then nuzzled Sakura's nose and squeezed her hips one last time, before turning and walking out her door.

Sakura couldn't stop smiling before she fell asleep.

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