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I wanted to write fluff but my head has just been filled with Vanitas and Noé fighting. So I thought I'd channel this into a very tropey oneshot about them having a homoerotic sparring session lmao


Vanitas slashed at Noé's face, the vampire stepping back unhurriedly to avoid the blow. It was rather frustrating, this back and forth. Vanitas had asked for Noé's help training since he was beginning to feel a little inept compared to the vampires and chasseurs they were regularly fighting. But Noé was both far too strong a sparring partner and far too gentle.

Usually going against strong opponents in controlled settings was fun and incredibly useful for improving. Unfortunately, Noé wasn't giving Vanitas the opportunity. It was all well and good to practice attacking a faster and stronger opponent but if Noé wasn't going to retaliate he couldn't practice defending. And being able to defend in a fight was often more important than attacking. Letting even one blow slip past your guard could be deadly in many situations.

Vanitas swiped at Noé again and the vampire again refused to take the opening to counter. Frustrated, Vanitas threw his dagger at Noé. He dodged and the weapon bounced off the wall behind him, clattering pathetically onto the ground. Noé only stared at Vanitas in response, still in a fighting stance but not making any attempt to close the distance now Vanitas was weaponless.

"What the hell, Noé!" Vanitas threw his hands up in despair. "Are you even trying?"

"I don't see what the problem is?" Noé frowned.

"You-! I can't believe this! Attack me, you useless sack of meat! There's no point in doing this if you aren't going to put any effort in."

"But I don't want to injure you too badly. You're human, if I used my full strength then it wouldn't be much of a fight."

"That's the point, you idiot! I need to learn to deal with stronger opponents! Because, if you hadn't noticed, they're nearly all we encounter."

"I'll be there to help if we have to fight anyone powerful. That's what I'm good at, isn't it?" Noé asked.

"You won't always be there to protect me!"


"That's enough!" Vanitas yelled. "Just! Fight me!" He launched forward with a punch aimed directly at Noé's face.

Noé sidestepped and grabbed onto the inner side of Vanitas's wrist. Then he stepped forward into Vanitas's space, grabbing his shoulder with his free hand and hooking his foot behind the other man's leg. Then he pulled his foot back at the same time as he pushed Vanitas's shoulder down, sending Vanitas falling backwards. Keeping hold of Vanitas's wrist Noé went down with him, pinning the man on his back and holding him in place.

"See? No competition."

Vanitas scowled at him, "Oh, shut up."

"No matter what you do you'll never stand a chance against me or someone stronger. Let me handle that burden."

"I'm going to kill you one day Noé. Then we'll see how weak I am."

"You won't kill me," Noé shook his head in exasperation.

"You say that with such confidence."

"Even if you wamted to I don't think you'd succeed. I mean, just... look at..." Noé trailed off meekly, suddenly hyperaware of the lack of space between them.

It wasn't as though he was unused to being close to Vanitas. He picked up and carried the man all the time for one thing. And Vanitas himself was a surprisingly tactile person, always tugging and clinging and poking. Neither of them were shy with physical contact. But this position was slightly compromising if Noé really thought about it. His face was so close to Vanitas's he was sure he could count his eyelashes if he wanted to.

"What's wrong?" Vanitas snapped.

"I- well, uh..." Noé groaned and let his head fall down to bang against the ground just above Vanitas's shoulder, he could feel a blush creeping up his cheeks and didn't want Vanitas to see it.

Vanitas stiffened. "Oi! I can feel your breath on my neck, don't you dare get any funny ideas!"

Vanitas was trying to hide it but there was a little anxiety lacing his voice - just barely enough for Noé to notice. Noé raised his head again and saw relief flash fleetingly across Vanitas's features. Noé felt a little guilt twist his stomach. He should have been more careful. He knew Vanitas was worried about his blood; particularly when considering Noé had openly admitted it smelled good.

"Sorry," Noé mumbled.

"Huh? For what?" Vanitas glared.

"Ugh, never mind. It doesn't matter."

Noé slowly extricated himself from Vanitas, standing up and feeling a little foolish when he missed the warmth of Vanitas against him. Vanitas stood as well, stretching out his limbs.

"Well, that was rather pointless," Vanitas yawned. "I think I'll find someone else to serve as a sparring partner since you're so abysmal at it."

"I wasn't that bad!"

"You were, don't deny it. It has been a while since I've been pinned down like that by a man though."


Vanitas laughed at the blank look on Noé's face. "Oh, dear. Maybe I'll explain when you're older."


Not sure about that ending... just take it as Vanitas having a bad sense of humour rather than him being serious. Because we all know he's never been in a relationship in his life considering how he is in the manga with Jeanne haha

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