Living Together

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There's a lot of depressing stuff in the world currently so I want to write something sweet and unassuming to take my mind off it. This will probably be out of character but I just want to imagine the boys in love and happy together. This is going to be set after the manga. Even though I know Vani will die. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy. Also, in the author's note after this I'm going to yell about my thoughts on memoir 45 so beware of spoilers.

"I'm home!" Vanitas called as he pushed open the door to the study and barged into Noé's space. "You're always in here nowadays, you don't greet me at the front door anymore!"

Noé smiled even as he continued his work, "but you always come to find me anyway."

Vanitas draped himself over Noé, resting his head on his shoulder, "as my partner you could have a little more compassion. I go out and work a boring job every day while you stay home."

"I am working though. When I finish writing this I'll make sure it gets published and then I'll start bringing in more money. I still do odd jobs every now and then too and besides, I do most of the cleaning."

"Yeah, but I still do the cooking and it was a pain getting you to start picking up after yourself to begin with. You didn't have any skills an adult is supposed to have before you met me."

"That's not true."

"Don't lie." Vanitas pushed himself off of Noé, "I'm going to sit on the roof for a bit. Feel free to join me if you can drag yourself away from your precious manuscript."

Vanitas headed out of the room and up to the second floor. The two of them lived in a two storey house in the country outside of Paris. It had taken a while to secure the money for it but it was everything they wanted. It was tall enough that Vanitas still felt satisfied when he went for stints on the roof, it was large enough that they had room for guests, it reminded Noé of his home but was close enough to Paris that they weren't isolated, and it belonged to them.

Neither Noé nor Vanitas had ever lived in a place that really belonged to them. In fact, Noé still wasn't sure where Vanitas had lived during certain portions of his life. He suspected that, at least briefly, he'd been homeless. Vanitas went out the window from their bedroom up to the roof. There were a number of other windows he could take but he never used them, though sometimes Noé did. However, the only window that was always unlocked was the bedroom window.

After a while of sitting alone, Noé climbed up to join Vanitas. He sat down next to him and rested his head on Vanitas's shoulder. Vanitas idly slung an arm over Noé's shoulder and yawned.

"Clingy today."

Noé nuzzled his head farther into Vanitas's neck, "maybe."

"I didn't think you were coming. Going well with your writing?"

Noé hummed, "I think so."

"I can't say I understand it. Who would want to read about me?"

"About us."

"Ah, but you're naming it after me."

"That title's just a placeholder."

"Whatever you say," Vanitas said in a singsong voice.

"You've always been too cocky."

"Says you. Anyway, the sun's going down soon. I should make dinner."

"No." Noé whined.

"Don't 'no' me you brat, you're super annoying when you're hungry and I'm not in the mood to give you blood today."

"I won't coerce you into giving me blood..."

"I've told you, don't lie. How about this, if you stop whining I'll sleep in the same bed as you tonight."

Noé reluctantly raised his head off Vanitas's shoulder and acquiesced. While the two lived together they didn't tend to sleep in the same bed every night. Noé took up a lot of room sleeping and Vanitas didn't like being clung to every night so they had two beds in their bedroom. The main bed was slightly larger and the one Noé always slept in. Vanitas swapped between sleeping with Noé and in the smaller twin bed in the corner of the room. They'd been told it was unusual, but it worked for them so the opinions of their friends were irrelevant.

As Vanitas cooked Noé hovered around the kitchen. He really was just getting in the way but Vanitas didn't feel like kicking him out. For whatever reason Noé wanted to be around him even more than usual and that wasn't exactly a bad feeling. It was nice to know Noé actually enjoyed his company despite all the times he'd told Vanitas the opposite.

When dinner was ready they opted not to eat in the dining room but rather the living room because it was more comfortable. Vanitas usually made a fuss because of the possibility of getting crumbs everywhere but he was tired and the couches were far too tempting. As they ate Vanitas complained about his job and how much more interesting things were when he still had the Book.

He didn't mean a majority of what he said so Noé just let him get it off his chest. Vanitas didn't really miss hunting down cursebearers, it had it's moments but mostly it was just tiring. Besides, he seemed a lot happier than he'd ever been since moving out to the country with Noé. He just liked to complain.

When dinner was over Noé had the job of washing up. The rule in their house was that if you didn't cook you had to clean. So, Vanitas was permanently stuck cooking and Noé cleaning. Vanitas bathed while Noé finished the dishes and then waited in bed for him. He took out a book while he waited but soon fell asleep. By the time Noé entered the room Vanitas was curled up and cocooned in their blankets.

Noé, took Vanitas's book gently and laid it on the bedside table. Carefully, Noé slipped in beside Vanitas and wrapped his arms around him. Noé fell asleep almost right away, as he always did.


I'm about to spoil memoir 45 kiddos

-We got a lot of good Jeanne this chapter. She's cute. She's happy. I hope good things happen to her. If Vanitas makes her happy then so be it.
-I feel bad for Luca but Jeanne was never going to see him romantically.
-I feel like I've learned a lot about Domi. The way she projects herself is quite different to her real personality and she's pretty insecure deep down. -I may not be a big DomiNoé shipper but I'll be damned if I don't want good things for Dominique. And Noé returning her feelings would be sweet.
-The more I learn about Dominique and Noé's relationship the more dense Noé seems. How can this man pick up on all of Vani's subtle moods and not notice his best friend has been in love with him for years???
-Also, despite Domi's obvious crush on Noé and jealousy of Jeanne she still comes across as having a crush on Jeanne as well.
- What I'm saying is whether Jun meant to or not this entire series has intense queer undertones (and sometimes overtones tbh)
-Jeanne's really willing to just take everything in stride and I respect that.
-Luca's noticed something's wrong with Domi at least!
-Vani's sulking too much
-I can't believe Noé admitted he hates Astolfo. It makes sense but coming from Noé it took me by surprise.
-Noé's so soft??? For Vanitas??? Someone stop this man, he's stolen my entire heart.
-The beautiful night sky above Noé and Vani asfgjll
-Is Domi a cursebearer? Or something else?
-What will Noé do if Domi is a cursebearer? He's still not over Louis.
-Why does Misha want to meet Noé?

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