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Immediately after meeting Vanitas, Noé had decided he disliked the man. Even so he had a mission to learn about the book that the self-proclaimed vampire doctor carried with him. At first Noé had assumed that he would get used to Vanitas's personality. That it might just be a product of living in Paris. Yet after meeting more inhabitants of the city it became clear that he was an oddity even among them. Perhaps he was even stranger than Noé who was ignorant because of his sheltered upbringing.

Noé had trouble keeping up with Vanitas. Not only was he more knowledgeable about curse bearers and the church but his thought processes were so convoluted and bizarre it was difficult to follow. Vanitas actually had the same problem with Noé. The way he faced problems was completely different to Vanitas's approach. It was hard to get used to when Dante used to be his only companion on cases. Even then Dante didn't always tag along.

Noé had somehow leaped into Vanitas's life just as things began to get interesting. Or perhaps Noé set those events in motion. Either way, the cases became more serious and connections began forming.

Vanitas was unpredictable and selfish, Noé found more flaws every day they spent together. He didn't understand why he bothered to stick around. It would have been easy to leave even if it meant abandoning his mission from teacher. Despite all Vanitas's shortcomings he was interesting to Noé.

He was a terrible person, taking advantage of others to reach his own goals, but his goals were often selfless. Saving vampires. Involving himself in cases that put them in opposition to the church. Putting his life on the line. The contradictions themselves would have been enough to fascinate the ever curious Noé but there was still more.

Vanitas had a personality unlike anyone else's. One minute he would seem charismatic, a whole room wrapped around his finger and the next he would invite everyone to try and kill him. He seemed to enjoy playing his dangerous games with other people's lives and his own but in the moments in between he would seem so tired. Tired of fighting, moving, living. His equally charismatic and abrasive persona was something Noé had hated but it was a part of his life now. Though he wasn't sure if he stopped hating it or had simply come to accept it.

The most interesting thing about Vanitas was probably his past. He kept it locked away so tightly never admitting anything unless it was absolutely necessary. But Noé had always been cursed with insatiable curiosity. His past was so close, all he needed was one sip of his blood. Of course Noé would never dream about sucking Vanitas's blood without consent, even if he hadn't been threatened with death when he last asked for a drink. It was unfortunate that the blood of such a rotten person had to smell so good.

After initially noticing how nice it smelled Vanitas's blood was frequently on Noé's mind. He would find himself idly wondering about the taste. Jeanne must like it if she marked him seeing as she hated Vanitas as a person. Then again it might be improper to wonder about the blood of someone already marked. Domi didn't seem interested so maybe it wasn't as good as he thought? Or it could be that it didn't suit her taste. She quite liked Noé's blood which no doubt had a different flavour to the human's.

After the incident Vanitas was more careful about spilling any blood in front of Noé. It was a relief to the vampire but it also upset him. He was glad Vanitas didn't want to tempt him but he went so far out of his way to avoid injury it made Noé uncomfortable. Had he really annoyed Vanitas so much? Did he think Noé would lose control the next time he smelled it? Was Vanitas afraid of him?

Noé found that it didn't matter after some lengthy pondering. Vanitas would do as he pleased like always and Noé would follow in his wake. Even as their relationship shifted it wasn't as though Vanitas would cut all ties with him. He had tried once and clearly hadn't succeeded. His blood might be enticing but it wasn't as though he was the only person with nice blood. And Noé had been starving on that particular day. In the end Noé didn't stick around for the man Vanitas but for the book of Vanitas.


I don't know what this is! It was pretty much stream of consciousness, just writing whatever came to my head. I don't know why it diverted into talking about Vani's blood but it happened so that's the title now. I can't believe it's been so long since I updated and I give you this! Haha, enjoy my rambling.

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