PH Crossover

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My dudes! I have recently reread Pandora Hearts and the feelings are flooding back from the first time I read it. It's just so good guys! Because I have been rekindling my love for my beloved PH gang I wanted to write about them so why not write a crossover? If there are any Vanitas fans here who haven't read PH yet I implore you to read it asap especially because I put some spoilers in the author'snote at the end of this chapter haha! Also, it is soooooo good and Mochizuki is such a good story teller. And Elliot is best boy fight me.


"Noé, I swear if you wander off one more time I'm going to get that collar from Dominique."

"Domi would never give you anything."

"Why you- oof!"

Vanitas looked down at the object he had bumped into. It was a little girl with brown hair, the hair was so long he wondered how she kept it neat. And her coat was almost as strange as his- almost. She looked intriguing... until she opened her mouth.

"Watch where you're going!" She yelled in his face.

"Huuuuh? Listen brat-"

"What are you doing Stupid Rabbit!?"

"Don't interfere with me Seaweed Head!"

A man and a boy came darting around the corner, chasing the girl. The man- Seaweed Head was dressed mostly in black, which Vanitas could appreciate, and appeared to be missing his left arm. The boy, a blonde kid probably around the same age as the girl followed behind, relatively cheerful in comparison to his companions.

"I'm sorry about Alice," the boy said in lieu of a greeting while the man continued to yell at her. "My name's Oz and that is Gil!"

"I'm Noé!" Noé reached out to give the kid and handshake and Vanitas scoffed.

"And what's your name, sir?" Oz addressed Vanitas.

"None of your business."

"This is Vanitas."

"What the hell, Noé!?"

"Nice to meet you Vanitas," Oz smiled.


"I think you'd have got along well with our friend, Break." The man jumped into the conversation having finished fighting Alice, now patting her head for some reason.

"Don't bring up the clowny bastard. I was in a good mood!" Alice complained.

"That's no way to talk about our friend!" Gil replied.

"Vanitas... a clown..." Noé giggled.

"Shut up Noé!"

"Excuse me!" A new woman's petulant voice rang out. "You're blocking the street!"

The five looked at each other awkwardly before making a silent decision to all move off together. Vanitas didn't understand why they had to go in the same direction as these brats but Noé was getting into an emphatic conversation with the two children and it would be difficult to drag him away. Vanitas hung back with the man in black while their excitable companions lead the way.

"So, they your kids? How young were you when you knocked the girl up eh?" Vanitas smirked at Gil.

"Wha-" Gil spluttered, "no! I'm still in my early twenties and Oz is my master."

"And I am Oz's master!" Alice yelled gleefully over her shoulder.

"You're... older than I expected. I thought you might be nineteen like Noé. Though, serving a brat like that? Suits your character perfectly."

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