Deleted Scenes

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Hello fellow Vanitas fans, who else is in pain from chapter 46? Well, I am very sad about it but also incredibly excited about where the story is going. Anyway, while thinking about what to write after this latest chapter I looked through my drafts and found a bunch of one shots that I just can't publish anymore. Either because I don't want to or it feels out of character for where the characters are at the moment. So, rather than write something new I've decided to give you some of these snippets of fics I'll never finish. Enjoy, or skip this chapter. Whatever floats your boat.


On the rooftops

"We should head inside," Noé said.

Vanitas nodded in agreement but neither made a move to get up. They just continued to look out over the rooftops. It was a cloudy night and the moon wasn't visible, but the ever-glowing astermite kept the dark at bay. Noé still wasn't quite used to it, back in Averoigne on nights like these you couldn't hope to see anything. He wasn't sure if he liked it better, Paris was always beautiful but nights spent in the countryside were something he'd always feel nostalgic about.

"Why are you still here?" Vanitas almost whispered, pulling his blanket tighter around his shoulders.

"The same as you, I think. I'm not ready for tomorrow yet."

"Not here. Here. With me. Haven't you determined the book's 'character' yet?"

"Are you asking me to leave?"

"No," Vanitas said firmly. "Even if I were you wouldn't listen so it would be pointless. But... I've just been thinking about why you stay."

Noé was surprised by the vulnerability in Vanitas's voice, he was obviously tired if he was forgetting to hide his emotions. "I told you, I want to see this through. Besides, Teacher wouldn't be satisfied if I returned home now. I'm not sure what he wants me to do but it certainly isn't finished."

Vanitas bristled slightly, "this teacher of yours is awfully enigmatic. When did you last contact him?"

"The letter he sent telling me to find the book was the last time but even before then I hadn't seen him in 6 months."

"What's he doing?"

"Could be anything," Noé shrugged. "He frequently disappeared on business even when I was a child."

"Your teacher, did he ever indicate his opinion on the vampire of the blue moon?"

"Not directly but he's never been the type to fear those kinds of things. He's different from all the other vampires I've met, at first I thought people like Jeanne and Luca were strange but I'm beginning to think Teacher may be the unusual one."

"Don't think too hard about it, vampires are all troublesome and that's all you need to know."

"So, you aren't bothered by it?"

"You teacher? No. If I were concerned about everyone with an interest in my book I'd never get anything done. All he's done is send you my way and that has worked out pretty well so far. He might deserve my thanks more than anything."

"Do you ever... regret ending up like this?"

"Everyone has their regrets, Noé. I can't say this life has been ideal or that I'd do everything the same if given another chance but... you can't change the past. And you said you were glad you met someone like me. That must count for something."

"Are you glad we met?"

"You're very useful- Hey, don't look at me like that!" Vanitas scowled. "Yes, I'm glad we met, okay? I think you're the closest thing to a good person I've ever met."

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