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Another goddamn fic set after chapter 51. Apparently I just can't help myself. The new Gangan Joker cover is making me feel things so I've got to write something. Vani and Noé look so happy together on that cover it's sending me feral especially considering current events. This is kind of a what if scenario post the current goings on in which I'm far more generous to Vani than he deserves.


"You were planning to save her from the very beginning?" Noé blinked at Vanitas who was supporting a barely-conscious Dominique he had just healed using the Book.

"Of course I was! Why do you think I didn't use the Book on you, dimwit!?"

"But you shot me! And stabbed me!"

Vanitas shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, well, I couldn't have Mikhail catching on to my plans so I had to incapacitate you. Although I pulled the trigger on instinct... I didn't mean to shoot you."

"Don't think that's an excuse," Dominique interjected. "I should kill you for putting Noé in danger like that."

"You're not in a position to be making threats," Vanitas sneered. "I, your doctor, recommend getting some rest and you should listen to my advice."

"Shut up. I don't need your help any more."

"Very well," Vanitas replied, releasing his support from her and forcing Noé to rush forward to stop her falling onto the ground.

"Vanitas!" He yelled.

"She asked for it," Vanitas said flippantly. "Now, we really ought to get patched up, and yes, I suppose that includes the Lady Dominique de Sade as well. You gave me some real bad injuries Noé! I feel like I'm on the brink of collapse!"

"I actually did collapse. After you tried to disembowel me."

"Don't be so dramatic. You're a vampire so obviously you were going to be fine."

"My favourite coat is ruined."

"I'm sure Amelia will patch it up."

"Is that really all you two are concerned about?" Dominique huffed. "What about your little brother, Vanitas?"

Vanitas frowned, "I'm sure we'll meet again. For now we aren't in any position to pursue him and that's fine. Knowing him, he'll sulk for a while because his plans failed. He's still a little kid after all."

"He's dangerous! He's doing exactly what everyone expects from the Kin of the Blue Moon. Even if you're different that child is going to hurt people."

"And why should that be my responsibility?" Vanitas snapped. "I didn't give him that power, it's not my fault he's misusing it. What good will blaming me do, really? Let's just head back to the hotel, okay? I think we could all use a break."

Dominique begrudgingly acquiesced and the three of them stumbled their way back to Vanitas and Noé's hotel. Along the way they came across the dhampirs and Amelia; Amelia and Dante choosing to tag along with them. Dante was incessant in his pestering for information but no one even considered opening up to him so all his questions were left unanswered.

When they arrived they all gathered in the hotel's sitting room, Dominique and Noé sitting beside each other on the couch while Dante claimed the piano bench and Vanitas and Amelia remained standing.

"Noé's injuries come first," Vanitas declared. "Take you shirt and coat off so I can see the damage. Amelia, can you mend his things?"

"Of course," she said, bustling forward to take Noé's clothes as he removed them. "I'll mend them so well you won't even be able to tell they got ripped and bloody."

Vanitas × NoéWhere stories live. Discover now