Vani is being an absolute walnut (as usual)

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There was a knock on Vanitas and Noé's door. Vanitas groaned, Noé was asleep so it was his responsibility to open the door. Vanitas couldn't care less what Amelia wanted this time. Unfortunately, the last time he had tried ignoring her Amelia had continued to knock on the door for over ten minutes until he finally answered... she's persistent.

Reluctantly, Vanitas separated himself from the chair he was in and trudged to the door. He threw a pillow at Noé on the way just for fun. It didn't wake Noé up though which was slightly disappointing. Vanitas grumbled under his breath before throwing the door open.

"WHAT?! Amelia, Noé is still asleep and I don't care."

"Hello to you too, quack."

Vanitas blinked, "Baldy?"

"We're here too~" Johann waved from beind Dante where he stood with Riche.

"This had better be good if all three of you are here."

"Actually, it's not," Dante scowled.

"What?" Vanitas frowned.

"Why don't you tell him why we're here, Riche?"

Riche flushed and nervously rubbed her hands together. Obviously she was flustered and had been expecting Dante to do all the talking. She opened her mouth and then closed it again, apparently deciding on the best way to word whatever she wanted to say.

"We are... we are here to um... to see Noé," a look of relief passed over Riche's face as she completed the sentence.

"What for?" Vanitas narrowed his eyes at the Dhamphirs.

"Riche wanted to see him~" Johann tittered.


"Look, Quack, Riche has a thing for your friend. She wants to get to know him better but feels more comfortable in a group setting. Just tell him that we want to meet for lunch tomorrow afternoon to exchange information."

"You want me to lie?!" Vanitas put a hand over his heart, scandalized.

"You lie all the time," Dante spat, "just do us this favour and I'll give you my assistance for free next time you need it."

"Deal," Vanitas grinned before slamming the door.

"What was that about?" Noé yawned.

"So you are awake you bastard!" Vanitas grabbed the nearest object, a lamp, and Noé ducked under his covers as it flew over his head.

"I only woke up after you slammed the door," Noé said, disgruntled.

"It was just Dante. He wants to meet up with us tomorrow."


Noé and Vanitas arrived at a little café that sat in a little alleyway, tucked away from the rest of Paris. It was a little shady but Vanitas always met Dante there. Johann, Dante and Riche were already there sitting at a round table out the front of the café. They were sat with a seat between Riche and Johann and another between Johann and Dante. Vanitas was tempted to take the seat next to Riche, because it was obviously meant for Noé, but he saw Dante glaring at him. The Dham knew him too well.

With a roll of his eyes Vanitas took the seat between Johann and Dante do Noé could be next to Riche. When Noé took his designated seat there was silence. Until Vanitas decided to break it.

"Soooo~ why did you want to see us?" Vanitas purred all too sweetly.

Dante kicked him under the table, "we had a source give us some information but recently we found out that they were unreliable. We wanted to show up anyway just to make sure we didn't leave you waiting."

"That's kind of you. Although, usually you don't turn up to see me when an informant is wrong," Vanitas grinned.

"We just wanted to be polite," Johann interjected, "especially to our new client, Noé."

"If that's all you needed we'll be off," Vanitas started to rise from his chair.

"Hang on Quack! While we're here why don't we treat you two to some food? Or even just Noé since you seem so eager to leave."

"I'll stay," Vanitas gave a toothy grin as he plopped back down in his seat.

In the end everyone ended up with tea or coffee in front of them as well as an assortment of sweets in the middle of the table. Vanitas was satisfied with just his black coffee. Noé on the other hand was eating all kinds of things very excitedly. He even got in a lengthy conversation with Riche about their favourite desserts.

Vanitas scowled. This day out was not nearly as fun as he had hoped. Noé was getting along with Riche. Boring. Noé didn't question any of the Dham's excuses for inviting them out. Boring. Noé was having a great time. BORING! Considering everything Noé was the one ruining everything. He was just too nice.

"Annoyed that your vampire friend is having fun with Riche?" Dante leaned over.

"Annoyed that I have to sit next to you," Vanitas waved him off.

"You would rather be next to Noé?"

"I would actually. Nobody is worse than you Baldy."

"I am not bald!" Dante reached up to touch his hair... Just to check that it was still as voluminous as ever.

"Not yet," Vanitas muttered ominously reaching towards Dante's head.

Dante slapped him away, "knock it off!"

"Alright," Vanitas sighed bringing his hand back in an overzealous sweep.

As he did so Vanitas knocked over Riche's tea into her lap. The woman screeched in surprise as the hot liquid cascaded over the tablecloth and her pants. Vanitas held a hand to his mouth to give the impression that he was shocked and also to hide his smile.

"I'm terribly sorry," Vanitas said with a hint of insincerity.

"It's okay... I'm clumsy too so I'm sure you didn't mean it,"  Riche gave him a weak smile.

"I can assure you that he did that on purpose Riche," Dante growled.

"I am shocked that you would suggest such a thing!" Vanitas gasped.

"It seems this would be a good time to end this little outing, don't you think?" Johann suggested, "Riche would probably like to get home and change. I hope to see you again Noé~" Johann rose from his chair.

Dante followed suit, giving Vanitas a slap on the head as he stood. Riche got up soon after, still holding the napkins she had so desperately tried to clean the spillage with. Noé waved to them as he stood as well. The two groups went their separate ways. Vanitas slightly disappointed that it ended just when things got interesting.

"Why would you do that Vanitas?" Noé asked as they walked back to their hotel.

"I was bored," Vanitas shrugged.

"If you joined in on the conversations maybe you wouldn't get so bored."

"That's true but a lot of them don't apply to me and I'm not fond of small talk."

"Just tell me if you're bored next time. We can leave."

"That's very sweet of you but I think that was more entertaining than thinking of an excuse to leave.


I actually really like Riche so I hope this didn't come off as angry. I just wanted a reason to have Vani be jealous. I don't care if she's attracted to Noé because girl me too. I'm also an insane multishipper so... I could get behind her and Noé if they interacted more?

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