Valentine's Day

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Vanitas dragged his feet as Noé led him through Paris. Apparently, the vampire cared about Valentine's day and wanted to buy some chocolates for the important people in his life: namely Dominique and Amelia. Personally, Vanitas found the holiday trite and rather irritating. It was just a trick to make lovesick fools spend money. Unfortunately with Paris being the proclaimed 'city of love' people took it far too seriously.

If he didn't live in Paris the holiday would probably pass him by every year without needing to spare it a thought. As it stood he couldn't escape, especially when a damned vampire was forcing him outside. Vanitas would rather hole up in his room for the entire day with the curtains drawn. Not even Jeanne would be enticing enough to coax him outside.

Yet there he was. Watching his companion flit indecisvely in and out of stores, looking for the perfect gift for Dominique. He had already chosen Amelia's, some small square chocolates in a cute little box tied up with a ribbon. Vanitas hated it. The stupid looking thing held gently in Noé's hands. Reminding him of how stupid the holiday was.

Finally, around mid-afternoon, Noé found what he wanted for dear Dominique. Some chocolate truffles that were expensive enough to make Vanitas wonder where he got the money. The poor boy probably didn't even realise the message that would send to Dominique. Getting her hopes up like that could almost be considered cruel. At least he was sure Noé didn't reciprocate her feelings, if he did there wouldn't be a reason for them not to be together.

When they returned home Noé located Amelia and for some reason Vanitas was still being dragged along! At least it was amusing to watch Amelia become flustered as she recieved the gift. She was so transparent about her feelings Vanitas almost wanted to point it out to Noé and make her even more embarrassed. He decided against it and the two headed back to their room.

"How do you plan to give that to Dominique?"

"We always visit each other on holidays. She should arrive later today."

Later today turned out to be later tonight as Dominque came crashing through their door at ten in the evening. She was followed by her ridiculous automotaton, scattering petals behind her. Vanitas's eye twitched as he thought of cleaning it up.

"I'm so sorry I took so long!" Dominique strode towards Noé, "I just stopped at Count Orlok's and lost track of time. Nox is such a lovely girl I couldn't bear to leave her company!"

"It's alright," Noé assured. "I bought you these!"

Dominque plucked the truffles from his hands and plopped one in her mouth, "you are as good at picking sweets as ever Noé!"

"I will be on the roof if you need me," Vanitas slunk out of the room, unable to bear watching the childhood friends' sugary interaction.

Much later Noé came to meet him, it was almost midnight by that time. He came up and sat for a moment staring at the sky with Vanitas. He kept on twitching and shuffling around though and despite trying to ignore him Vanitas shifted a halfhearted glare in his direction.

"Are you ready to go yet?" Noé asked.

"Go? Go where?"

"Oh! Did I forget to tell you? I wanted to take you out to dinner tonight. I know you don't like sweets so this seemed like a good alternative."

"Huh? Do you know how difficult it will be to find anywhere open at this time?"

"So you don't want to?" Noé frowned.

Vanitas stared at him for a moment before turning his face away with a huff, "fine. Let's go."

Noé stood up first, followed by Vanitas, and they both carefully scaled down the building. When they reached the street Noé took the lead, Vanitas walking closer to his side than he had earlier in the day. Eventually they reached a small restaurant that was miraculously still open. Its windows glowed a warm yellow, illuminating the street around it and the tables that sat beneath its awnings.

They went inside, the bell tinkling lightly as Noé pushed the door open, holding it open for Vanitas. He glared at the vampire for that gesture. A petite woman approached them and brought them to a little table in the corner. The restaurant was surprisingly packed this late at night and all of the patrons seemed to be couples. Naturally Vanitas found them rather repulsive. Noé seemed to think they were sweet. Typical.

As he looked through the menu Vanitas glanced over it at Noé, "I hope you realise the implications of taking me out on Valentine's day? I'm not one to turn down a free meal but I didn't take you for the type to swing my way."

"To say something like that so boldly, perhaps you simply projecting your hopes onto me?"

"Heh. You've gotten better at this, Noé. I fear I'm a bad influence."

"We did end up in jail because of you when we first met."

"Indeed we did." Vanitas cackled.

The conversation lulled a bit after that. Idly talking about their time together until their food arrived and then insulting each other's tastes. Vanitas had ordered oysters, something Noé truly loathed. Noé had duck confit. Something Vanitas had no particular qualms with but nonetheless saw fit to berate Noé for.

As they came to the end of their meal Vanitas spoke up, "I'm surprised you see me as important enough to pay attention to on Valentine's. I don't expect you to go out of your way like this, especially if it involves taking me to a restaurant filled with lovers."

"I try to make sure everyone in my life knows they are important to me. You never know if you'll regret the missed opportunities. As for the lovers, I can't exactly control who the other patrons are."

"True but the only pairs who are still out this late at night are those who plan to stay up for some time after they go home... if you know what I'm saying." Vanitas smirked wickedly.

"Are you propositioning me, Vanitas? How about we finish eating first and see where things go when we get home?"

Vanitas's face turned bright red and he hid his face in his hands, "no, you're supposed to be innocent. I was trying to embarrass you."

"So, you can dish it out but you can't take it?" Noé smiled.

"I wasn't prepared, especially coming from you!"

Vanitas finished his meal in flustered silence, unable to fully recover even after Noé had paid for the meal. He refused to meet his companion's eyes throughout the whole ordeal. Even as they walked home together Vanitas barely glanced at Noé and nearly stumbled over himself multiple times.

"Did what I said bother you that much? I didn't mean to make you this uncomfortable."

"No, you're fine. I just usually get a different reaction," Vanitas straightened himself out.

The rest of the walk was somewhat more comfortable. Vanitas had regained composure and confidence, walking with as much purpose as usual. His air of arrogance reinstated. Eventually they reached their room and Vanitas unlocked the door, pushing it open for Noé to go in first. After shutting the door Vanitas pulled Noé back by the scruff of his collar and planted their lips together firmly.

Pulling away and licking his lips Vanitas cackled, "see where it goes after we get home."


I can't believe I actually managed to write something special for a holiday! This is a first! Please enjoy haha

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