Kindness and Betrayal

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This fic is unfinished and I never will finish it but I like some parts of it so I'm still sharing it. Technically set after chapter 52 in some sense? The next fic will be longer and complete I promise 😔

"Domi! Stop!" Noé grabbed her arms attempting to hold her back as she struggled to get to Vanitas. Her eyes were blazing red and her mouth was wide, fangs bared savagely as she roared. She wasn’t in control of herself, cursebearer instincts taking over completely. Noé wanted to scream, this was all too familiar. It was happening again! "Domi, listen to me! Please try to calm down! Don't hurt hi-"

Noé choked on his words, blood bubbling up in his throat, forcing him to spit it onto the ground.


Pain was lancing through his back and as he trembled with the effort of keeping Dominique at bay he turned his head to look behind him. Vanitas. Vanitas had stabbed him. The knife was still there, stuck in his back, Vanitas's hand clutching the hilt. Noé's breathing quickened and his vision began to swim.


Noé knew they were fighting but to be stabbed in the back while protecting him... that was inconceivable. Vanitas wouldn’t do that! Surely, surely this was a bad dream.

There was a harsh tug and Noé felt the knife being pulled from his flesh, blood flowing freely from the new wound. Immediately, Noé's strength began to fade and he felt his grip on Dominique loosen and himself begin to tumble to the ground. There wasn't a thing he could do to stop his body collapsing, barely more than a strangled rasp managing to break past his lips.

Noé tried to raise himself back to his feet, he really did, but his body refused to cooperate. The most he could manage was turning his head so he could look up at Dominique and Vanitas. The moment he had fallen they were at each other's throats. He wanted to stop them so badly, jump in between so neither could get hurt, yet he remained firmly on the ground. Still, he was grateful they had directed their attentions towards one another for the moment, Vanitas would have killed him if Domi hadn't gotten in the way and Vanitas might actually have a shot at healing Domi. Everything would turn out okay if he would just heal her!

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