RIP Vani's coat (not really)

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I have some mild DomiJeanne in this because honestly they're OTP? I like them more than Vani and Noé now? VnC is going to ruin my life.


"Noé!" Vanitas called out angrily.

"What is it Vanitas?" Noé sighed in exasperation as he poked his head into the room.

"Your cat," Vanitas spat with as much venom as he could muster, "has destroyed my coat!"

"What?" Noé frowned as he made his way through the doorway.

"Just look at the damage it did!" Vanitas waved the item of clothing in front of Noé's face, "you shall have to buy me a new one."

"Where do you even get such a ridiculous looking coat?" Noé stared at it.

Vanitas tutted and shoved past the vampire, motioning for him to follow. Noé sighed and decided to do as Vanitas wanted for now because it would make things easier. After a good half an hour was spent following Vanitas around Noé started to get impatient.

"We've been walking around for ages! Just tell me where we're going so I can carry you and we can move at a reasonable pace!"

"I'm afraid that I've forgotten how to get there," Vanitas stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"Get where, Vanitas? You still haven't told me!"

"Oh?" Vanitas looked at Noé as if he only just realised the vampire was there, "We need to got to Altus Paris."

"What?!" Noé's eyes bulged, "how can you say that so flippantly?"

"Wait! You must know where the entrance to Altus is. You are a vampire after all. Take me there!" Vanitas demanded.

"That's not a good idea..."

"Then you shouldn't have let your demon cat near my coat!"

"I'm not taking you to Altus!"


Vanitas hummed as he strolled through the streets of Altus. Noé trailed behind  Vanitas grumpily but he was also on edge. In the midst of so many vampires Vanitas The Idiot was bound to get into some trouble.

Suddenly Vanitas veered off course and Noé was so shocked that he barely processed it. After Noé composed himself he rushed after the annoying human.

"Vanitas what are you-"

Vanitas was standing in front of Jeanne and clutching her hand. Noé wasn't listening to what he was saying but it was obviously some kind of insincere romantic nonsense. Jeanne was scowling at him. Unexpectedly someone grabbed Vanitas by the collar and dragged him away from Jeanne.

"What do you think you're doing? Why are you even here, human?" Dominique scowled.

"Ask Noé," Vanitas grinned.

Domi turned to Noé with a raised eyebrow.

"Murr destroyed his coat and apparently he got it from Altus originally," Noé shrugged.

"Then he can just buy another coat in Paris! There's no reason for him to be here, it's too dangerous. Someone will notice that he's a human or recognise him from last time!" Jeanne interjected.

"Aww, are you worried about me?" Vanitas winked and gave Jeanne a lopsided grin.

"If you harass Jeanne one more time I'll personally kill you with every torture technique that I've ever learned," Dominique draped her arm around Jeanne.

Vanitas × NoéWhere stories live. Discover now