Noé is Sick

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"Get up Noé!" Vanitas kicked Noé's bed, "it's already midday!"

"Nnnmm, I'll die if I get up," Noé rolled over and clutched his pillow tighter, burying his face in it.

"What's wrong with you today? I know you like sleeping but you're rarely so stubborn about it. I even had to feed your dumb cat for you! Come on, we are going to lunch! Last time you were in bad all day you started craving my blood!"

"That won't happen again," Noé yawned, "you were injured last time."

"Just get up!" Vanitas tore the blankets off of Noé.

The vampire just shivered and curled in on himself, making no attempt to leave the bed. Vanitas scowled and kicked Noé's back, trying to force him up but the vampire only groaned in a mix of irritation and pain.

"Seriously what's wrong with you? Don't tell me you're sick?" Vanitas joked, putting his hand teasingly on Noé's forehead only to draw it away like he had been bitten. "You're burning up!"

"Mmmm." Noé responded.

"Ugh. Useless. Stay here you bastard, I'll be back."

Vanitas was gone for some time and Noé couldn't get back to sleep so he just lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling while he waited. When Vanitas did come back his arms were full. He was carrying a tray of food with an unsightly grimace on his face.

"Here." Vanitas shoved it at Noé.

It was a bowl o thick, white soup. Noé stared at it skeptically and Vanitas huffed angrily.

"It's just vichyssoise, honestly. You have to eat when you're sick, or do you need someone to feed it to you?" Vanitas sneered.

"I am fine, thank you," Noé took a hesitant sip before starting to eat it at a faster pace.

"Slow down, idiot! The soup isn't going anywhere! Make sure to eat all of it."

"I'm surprised you care so much."

"I don't, it's just that I had Amelia make that. She'd be disappointed if you didn't eat it. And besides, I can't have my shield be sick! You would he of no use to me then!"

"You could just say that you're worried," Noé slurped at his soup.

"How ridiculous! I have never cared for another living creature in my life!"

"You love Jeanne, don't you?"

"I love her, I don't care for her."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Think of it like this, have you ever seen me do anything caring for Jeanne? No. My love is selfish and I use her for what I want. I'm not considerate of her in any way," Vanitas plopped down onto the edge of Noé's bed.

"So, you don't mind people being selfish with their love. If someone forced their way into your life like you've done with Jeanne, would you hate them?"

"I couldn't denounce such a thing without being a hypocrite but I wouldn't want to deal with anyone who acts just like me-"

Noé leaned forward into Vanitas's space and kissed him. Vanitas froze as it happened. His eyes widening comically before he jumped to his feet with great speed.

"What was that?! You're delirious, this sickness is worse than I thought! What if you got me sick, idiot?! You can't just do that out of nowhere! Oh no, did I enjoy that? It didn'tlast long enough to tell. What am I saying..." Vanitas's speech descended into panicked rambling before he fled out the window in embarrassment.


I have no idea where this came from. I just wanted to write about Vanitas caring for a sick Noé but sick people are kind of boring. When I'm sick I just sleep a lot. Then I realised I couldn't remember writing about them kissing so I ended up wanting to write that but it ended up kind of weird. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed!

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