Breaking and Entering

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"Yes, Noé?"

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Not particularly."

Vanitas was leaning out of the window, one foot on the windowsill, one hand gripping the edge of the window and a knife in his other hand. He was dangling so far out the window Noé was afraid he would fall. Vanitas was looking back at Noé over his shoulder with such incredulity that Noé wondered if it really was obvious. Though he was almost certain this behaviour wasn't common even in Paris. Was it?

"If you must know, I am trying to break into the apartment next to us."

Noé grabbed Vanitas's jacket collar and pulled him inside, "why are you always bothering people?"

"Me? Bothering him?" Vanitas slipped his arms out of his coat and clambered back onto the window. "That man is constantly making a racket with his damned brass horn! I should be able to break it. Don't worry, I'll make it look like an accident."

Again Noé dragged him away from the window, this time by his shirt collar, something Vanitas wouldn't be able to slip out of. At least not without some fumbling over buttons and Noé doubted even he was shameless enough to hang out of a window shirtless.

"Maybe you should go outside, take a walk and calm down." Noé suggested.

"I will not calm down until that vile instrument is destroyed."

"It can't be that bad."

"How have you never heard it before!? Are you deaf?"

"You can't expect me to hear anything over your shouting! Now, if I see you making another attempt at breaking into our neighbour's room, I'll push you out of the window."

Vanitas grumbled something incoherent, proceeding to slump onto his bed. Rather dramatically, he whipped the book sitting on his bedside table into his arms before flipping it open. He immediately started reading and Noé wondered if he was even on the right page. There was no bookmark so it was doubtful Vanitas could simply open it to exactly where he needed it. Either way it appeared to be distracting him.

Noé occupied himself for a while playing with Murr. It wasn't so much 'playing' as avoiding Murr's teeth and claws as he tried to pet the cat. Noé soon grew bored however. There were no cases today and Noé didn't have any extra work so he wanted to go outside. But leaving Vanitas alone could be... unwise. He decided to do it anyway, Vanitas was preoccupied and Noé decided he may not even notice his absence.

After putting on his coat and hat Noé left Vanitas to his own devices. There was a café close to their hotel that had good tarte tatin Noé decided to visit. Before spending the rest of his day wandering around Paris he wanted something to eat and he could keep an eye on his apartment window from his table. For some time it seemed that Vanitas wasn't going to do anything but when Noé was near the end of his second serving of dessert he saw the human open the window and stick his head out.

Noé glared as Vanitas swung himself onto the windowsill and stretched towards the next window over. Viewing it from the ground was somehow worse. One misstep and he would fall. Noé doubted he'd die from that height but an injury would be troublesome with all the physical activity (mostly running) involved in saving curse bearers. But he couldn't allow Vanitas to do as he pleased either. Finishing the rest of his food in one bite Noé rushed to the base of the hotel.

"Vanitas, go back inside!"

Vanitas looked down at Noé in shock. Shock that quickly morphed into amusement, a cocky smirk sitting on his face. Noé wanted to punch him.

"How are you going to stop me from all the way down there?"

Noé glanced around, there weren't very many people around. Few enough that no one had seen Vanitas but he didn't want to reveal his status as a vampire by altering gravity to walk up the wall. Vanitas seemed to understand this and gave Noé a condescending wink before returning to his ministartions, trying to pry the window open.

Growling in frustration Noé looked around himself. He wouldn't be able to rush up to the apartment in time to stop Vanitas but he spotted something that could help him. He just had to be very careful. Noé took a deep breath and then he hurled a large rock at Vanitas. It struck him in the leg and Vanitas slipped, letting out a screech before catching himself by the fingertips. Vanitas swore at Noé vehemently as his hand slipped further, his gloves no doubt making it harder to keep his grip.

Eventually his hand came free and Vanitas closed his eyes as he fell. He was going to kill Noé for this. As he was pondering how severe his injuries would be Vanitas's descent stopped. It hurt but it wasn't the hard concrete he had been expecting. Vanitas blinked his eyes open and found Noé much closer than he had expected.

Suddenly the situation made sense. Noé had caught him. Noé was still holding him. Vanitas started blankly at him and Noé stared back, equally blank. Apparently neither of them had seen this coming. Which was strange because Noé threw that rock at Vanitas. Vanitas blinked. Noé threw a rock at him.

"What the hell was that!?" Vanitas screeched, pulling Noé's hair.

"Ow! I was just trying to knock your knife out of your hands!"

"Huh? Your aim is that bad? Why do I keep you around you useless vampire?" Vanitas hit Noé in the chest.

Noé snorted and tried to keep a straight face but when he looked at Vanitas he burst out laughing. It was ridiculous and the situation wasn't even funny but Noé couldn't hold it together. As he laughed he lost his balance and abruptly both him and Vanitas were sprawled out on the group, awkwardly tangled together. Noé started laughing again and this time Vanitas joined him. A woman passing by on the other side of the street gave them an odd stare.

When they finally calmed down from their hysterical outburst Noé and Vanitas helped each other up and fixed their askew clothing. Vanitas let out an indignant huff as he straightened his bow though it was more for show than an expression of actual irritation. Noé's hat had tumbled off and Vanitas took it upon himself to pluck it off the ground and place it upon his own head. After that they both headed inside.

When they reached their room Vanitas tossed Noé's hat into a corner before flopping onto his bed. Noé didn't even make it to his bed, slumping on the floor as soon as he closed the door. It was peaceful for a moment before a loud discordant slew of notes screamed from the next door apartment. Noé jumped in shock and stared at the wall as it continues relentlessly.


"Yes, Noé?" Vanitas yawned.

"Let's break into that apartment and destroy that instrument."


Noé and Vanitas are still separated in chapter 34 which is really sad. I want to see them reunited! Unfortunately I'll have to wait another month or two though. So I wrote this. I feel like I haven't captured how done™ Noé is with Vanitas in previous chapters. I also tend to focus more on Vanitas? I think it's because I understand him more. Noé is just too pure for me to write lol. Vanitas is also a lot more mysterious so there's more freedom to explore him but I love Noé and hope I can get better at writing him and focusing on him. If you like Vanitas no carte why not come into my messages and scream about the manga with me!

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