The Fountain

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Blame the anime op for this one bois because what the fuck. It was so gay. Why was it that gay? Studio BONES is fucking with me directly. And the ed lyrics are also incredibly gay. Like, BONES is going hard on the vanoé marketing I guess. They know what sells.

"Come on, Vanitas!" Noé called as he jumped up onto the rim of the Maritime Navigation Fountain.

"Geez, how do you still have so much energy?" Vanitas grunted as he approached the fountain slowly, with Murr at his heels.

"Stand up here with me." Noé extended a hand down to him and Vanitas batted it away.

"No way, I'm tired."

"Come on," Noé said, grabbing his wrist instead and tugging him forward until he was forced to join Noé standing on the walls of the basin.

"Great," Vanitas drawled. "I don't see how this is an improvement from standing on the ground."

"Don't be so sour," Noé said, turning away to walk along the edge, arms extended to keep his balance even though it wasn't particularly thin.

Vanitas watched him impassively as he made his way around the fountain, occasionally jumping over one of the little columns spread evenly around the edge. At some point Murr also leapt onto the fountain, though he settled a little ways away from Vanitas. Eventually, Noé finished his rounds and he was back standing next to Vanitas once again.

"Are you quite finished?" Vanitas asked.

"You haven't moved a single step," Noé stated.

"Astute observation. Let's go." Vanitas suddenly felt hands clamp down on his wrists and looked down to see Noé had grabbed him. "Oi!"

"Try to enjoy yourself just a little bit. It's fun to try and keep your balance, see?" Noé took a short step backwards and began to lead them carefully around the fountain, leaving Vanitas no choice but to follow, his feet dragging as he did. It wasn't long before Noé's foot came into contact with one of the columns and he had to pause his backward walking.

Vanitas sneered, "How do you plan to drag me over that then?"

Noé looked at him for a moment, considering, before a little smile forced its way onto his lips. That was all the warning Vanitas got before Noé jumped up and back, dragging him along with the tight grip on his wrists. They landed quickly and safely on the other side of the column, though Vanitas's legs felt shaky from the shock of the sudden movement.

"Bastard! Warn me next time!"

"You seem fine though," Noé said and resumed his leading of Vanitas by the hands.

At this point Vanitas simply gave in and let Noé haul him along. He didn't even make any comments when Noé made more of his backwards jumps, he simply allowed himself to be pulled and manoeuvred. It wasn't long before they reached their starting point once more, helpfully marked by Murr who had made no movement after settling in a comfortable sunlit spot.

"We did it, Vanitas!" Noé exclaimed.

"Walked around a fountain?" Vanitas scoffed, "Not exactly an achievement."

"It was fun though," Noé grinned, using the hands still holding Vanitas to spin them in a circle. Vanitas rolled his eyes, then frowned when Noé didn't stop spinning them. In fact, they were picking up speed if anything. His feet were no longer even on the ground!

"Noé, stop!" Vanitas yelled, but it was too late.

Noé lost his balance and they both went flying. Only to land in the fountain with a resounding splash. Vanitas scowled in irritation and that scowl only deepened when he realised Noé was laughing. He was like a little kid, so amused by such foolish things. And people were staring because of the scene they'd caused. Vanitas wasn't a self conscious person but being one of the two idiots who fell in the fountain was a little embarrassing.

"Get up," Vanitas growled, standing up and hauling himself out and back onto solid ground.

Noé followed him, dripping wet and still giggling. "I'm sorry."

"Don't sound it," Vanitas spat, tearing his coat off and wringing out the water as best he could.

"I am sorry we fell. It's not so bad though, the water's quite cool and it feels nice on a day like this."

"Shut up. I give you a free tour around Paris and this is the thanks you give me? Be more aware of your own strength you idiot. I'm soaked!"

"I'm soaked as well," Noé said, as though that could in any way change how irritated Vanitas was.

"Just- ugh. Never do that again. Not only is it annoying but people are going to discover you're a vampire."

Noé grabbed his hat and Murr from where they were sitting on the fountain. "I'll try my best. It was fun though."

"If you think being drenched is fun just use the shower at home! Don't fling yourself and me into a fountain!"

"I didn't mean it like that," Noé said. "I had fun taking a tour of Paris with you today. And it was rather amusing to see you splashing about in a fountain. We should do this again sometime - the tour not the falling in a fountain."

"We'll see," Vanitas mumbled, adjusting his wet bow with a grimace. "It better not end up like this next time."

"No promises," Noé laughed in response.


And, while I'm talking about how gay the op/ed is what was the reason for this art?

And, while I'm talking about how gay the op/ed is what was the reason for this art?

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It's clearly based on this to some degree

It's clearly based on this to some degree

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But somehow it's gayer. Like Vani is the only one in a 'threatening' position except it isn't threatening because with your hand in that position you really can't hurt anyone very effectively. It actually kind of annoys me because it doesn't capture the power dynamic from Mochijun's original drawing. Yeah, the vibes are similar but it just doesn't communicate their relationship as well so I'm not sure why they changed it? But In conclusion: gay gay homosexual gay lmao

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