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"Have you ever noticed that we are complete opposites, Noé?" Vanitas said idly while stretched out on a couch flipping through a book.

"Yes, I've noticed that we are very different," Noé answered just as idly while he tried to pet Murr.

"I don't think you understand. We aren't just different we have nothing in common... well, besides traumatic childhoods," Vanitas smiled.

"Explain yourself, Vanitas."

"Most obviously there's the whole vampire, human thing," Vanitas pointed at Noé then himself as he named their species, "then there's our physical appearance as a whole. You have dark skin and light hair while I have light skin and dark hair. There's also the unfortunate height difference."

"None of that means anything. What other evidence do you have?" Noé humoured Vanitas.

"There's also our dress sense. I wear darker clothes and you prefer lighter clothes. What you wear is boring and normal while what I wear is fantastic and mysterious."

Noé snorted. Vanitas glared.

"There's also our demeanor. I am generally cold, logical, cynical and aloof while you're warm, affectionate, impulsive and filled with childlike joy," Vanitas described Noé's traits with derision clear in his voice.

"I can see your point there but you could argue that you're the opposite of anyone in terms of personality. No stable person acts the way you do."

"Perhaps not but I doubt that you are mentally sound due to your childhood trauma and all that."

"Why do you keep bringing up childhood trauma?" Noé sighed.

"I think it's funny."

"There's something seriously wrong with you."

"Thanks for noticing. Now, back to us being opposites my final point is our fundamental view on the world. I hate everyone indiscriminately, humans, vampires," Vanitas glanced at Murr, "... cats. Whereas you no doubt love all creatures great and small like a sentimental buffoon."

"You love Jeanne though?" Noé asked.

"I say that I do. But do we even know what Jeanne is? Is it fair to group her with anyone when we don't know where she belongs?"

"I'm afraid that you've lost me," Noé frowned.

"It doesn't matter," Vanitas smiled, "and I suppose I can admit that I don't hate you... as much as most other people."

"I still don't like you though."

Vanitas laughed. They both knew that that wasn't true but it was a nice reminder of when they first met. Noé took an instant disliking to him. It was strange to feel nostalgic about something that had happened so recently. It was nice in any case.


It's kind of poorly written and there's too much dialogue but I just wanted to write about how different these two are. Idk just ignore me.

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