I don't know what the title should be

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There aren't going to be updates for the manga for a couple months so I'm burying my sadness in crappy fan fiction. Honestly though it's absolutely fine if Jun needs a break from the manga. It will be back up soon so for now we can re-read the old chapters and theorize about the future. In any case I'll get on with the story.

Vanitas quickened his pace subtly. Noé changed his pace to match. Vanitas quickened his pace again. Noé did the same. Vanitas began walking as fast as he could. Noé remained by his side. Vanitas started jogging. Noé followed. Vanitas began sprinting. Noé ran alongside him.

"Stop following me!" Vanitas exclaimed, stopping in his tracks to catch his breath.

"Why?" Noé answered without a hint of emotion.

The two of them had ended up in a small alleyway. It was so narrow that Vanitas couldn't stand in the middle of it and extend his arms without touching the cool bricks of the surrounding buildings. The alley was damp and smelled of alcohol and wet fur. Rain poured down from the gap between the roofs, soaking Vanitas who had apparently made an effort to stand in the one spot where he wouldn't remain somewhat dry.

"Sometimes I need to be alone Noé!" Vanitas snapped, "I am with you all the time, I need a break."

"But you seemed angry when you asked me to leave you alone. How have I wronged you this time?" Noé sighed.

"It happened a while ago so it doesn't matter. Being around you just reminds me of it and it pisses me off. Don't worry about it, just leave me in peace."

Noé stood there for a while watching Vanitas. Then his expression hardened as he examined the human's face. He didn't like the expression Vanitas was making. It was almost like the one from Moreau's lab but it was subtly different. Noé pulled Vanitas out of the rain and looked him sternly in the eyes.

"Stop being dramatic! You've got yourself drenched in water and you're going to get sick. I may not like you but I am not letting you die because you're an idiot who can't take care of himself. You are a terrible person but I doubt anyone else could use The Book of Vanitas as well as you, so please try to maintain your health."

"GET OFF!" Vanitas shouted and shoved Noé away from him, "this is exactly the kind of behaviour that I loathe."

"I'm sorry for trying to help you," Noé bit out sarcastically.

Vanitas scowled at him before turning around and walking down the alley. Vanitas made a point of walking through the spots where he would get the most wet just to piss Noé off. Vanitas had not asked him to follow and he had not asked him to try to help. Noé was just being a burden and reminding Vanitas of why he had wanted time alone.

"Don't just walk away!" Noé growled at him.

"I'll do whatever I damn well please, Noé!" was the response the vampire received as Vanitas continued to put distance between them.

Noé decided to give up and go back to their hotel. Vanitas would return eventually and at this point pursuing him would be fruitless. So Noé returned to their hotel and after a brief conversation with Amelia he sat and waited on his bed for Vanitas to return. Noé fully intended to confront Vanitas when he came back but before then the vampire fell asleep.

When Vanitas returned Noé was curled up on his bed, fully clothed and clutching his pillow. It was exactly what Vanitas expected and wanted. He had stayed out as long as he thought necessary for Noé to fall asleep and it had worked! Vanitas didn't want a confrontation now and he wanted to avoid one later if possible.

So Vanitas decided he could skip sleeping that night and opted to wait on the roof for morning. Although it was still drizzling Vanitas was already drenched so no more harm could be done. He sat down heavily on the roof tiles and looked at Paris. The astermite lights glittered as far as he could see while the buildings all appeared as hulking, formless shadows.

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