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Happy Anime Day, friends! It's coming out in a few hours and I'm going positively insane! Based loosely on the picture Mochijun just posted on twitter of the boys as the final art before the anime because the tension betweem them is thick. It's going to be short but enjoy 🙃

"You want to kiss me so badly," Vanitas smirked.

"What if I do?" Noé said bluntly.

"Huh?" Vanitas raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, I think I misheard you."

"I don't think you did."

Vanitas breathed a laugh, "Trying to throw me off balance then? A cunning ploy but not one I'm falling for."

"I wasn't lying."

Vanitas took a step closer across the roof tiles, leaving barely a few inches between them. "Cut it out. I was making fun of you and now you're making fun of me. Neither of us fell for the other's tricks so there's really no use pretending."

"Just because I can't take anything you say at face value doesn't mean its the same the other way around," Noé countered.

"Come on, we were just fighting. Obviously you don't actually want to kiss me, what's the point in keeping up the act? Really you just want to punch me, the same as I want to do to you right now."

"I do want to punch you," Noé admitted.

"See! There's no fooling me. Wanting to kiss me? Hah!"

"The two aren't mutually exclusive," Noé stated.

Vanitas blinked, "You're taking this joke a bit far. It's not as funny anymore."

"I told you, I wasn't joking."

Vanitas narrowed his eyes at Noé suspiciously before a cocky smile broke across his face. "Do it then.  Of course you wo-"

Noé grabbed the back of Vanitas's head and pulled him forward at the same time as he leaned down and he planted their lips together. It wasn't a particularly long or deep kiss but Noé made sure Vanitas felt it before he pulled away, tiny smile on his face. Vanitas had a blank look on his face that indicated he hadn't quite mentally caught up yet.

"I hoped that would shut you up for a bit. It's a much more pleasant way of doing it than punching you."

Vanitas × NoéWhere stories live. Discover now