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This is set some time in the future after chapter 47 so spoilers for that are in here! Beware! Anyway, this was brought about by my reading the latest chapter and there's some similarly disturbing content here as there was in that chapter. So tread with caution if you are sensitive to those kinds of things. This isn't a happy chapter.


Noé stumbled to his feet, feeling listless and empty. Every negative emotion he could name was swirling sickeningly within him, the taste of the child's blood still burning his tongue. He didn't want to move, didn't want to do anything other than curl up and forget. But Domi was still in danger and he still had a task to do.

Noé lurched towards the exit of the amusement park, making sure not to forget what was most important. Domi's life. When the gate was in view he found himself abruptly frozen in place. Vanitas was there, running towards him with a look on his face that Noé was surprised to find he hated. There was desperation and hysteria in Vanitas's wide eyes and trembling lip.

"Noé!" He shouted, pulling to a halt in front of Noé, shifting as though he wanted to turn and run back the way he had come. "Are you okay!?"

Without thinking Noé reached forward and seized Vanitas's arms, holding far too tight. "Why didn't you tell me about your brother?"

"Get off!" Vanitas tried to pull away but Noé held firm, his grip bruising.

"No, you need to explain this. You need to!" Noé realised with a start that he was crying and that from Vanitas's perspective he must seem quite unhinged.

"I didn't know he was still alive! ...are you bleeding?" Vanitas's gaze was drawn to Noé's lips. Noé felt a fresh wave of nausea roll over him.

"No. No, I- I drank your brother's blood."

"What!?" Vanitas's lips curled into a snarl and in a burst of anger he ripped one of his arms free. "What did you use him to see?"

"I didn't want to drink his blood! He has Domi hostage and I can't let him hurt her. I just can't. I know things about you and him now, he wanted me to see his past. I'm sorry. Help me save her Vanitas."

"Why did he make you do that!? My past is none of your business! Why has he come back from the dead, what does he want?"

"Vanitas, calm down."

"Calm down? Noé, you look as though you're about to keel over any moment, don't tell me to calm down. The informationI have isn'timportant at the moment. You know more about this situation than me. So what does Mikhail want from you? Obviously it wasn't just for you to drink his blood otherwise Lady Dominique would be safe, correct?" Noé hesitated for a long moment and Vanitas narrowed his eyes. "I take it that I won't be fond of the goal he gave you."

"Please, before I tell you that explain what's going on. I gathered some of the details through his memories but I want to hear it from you."

"Why does it matter right now? He's kin of the blue moon like me. That's the only relevant information right now. Now, tell me, what does he want?"

"Vanitas, I can't," Noé shook his head, feeling his resolve crumble as his desire to follow Mikhail's instructions grew.

"Tell me right now! You think keeping it a secret will help?"

"He told me to drink your blood," Noé admitted with a weary sigh.

Suddenly every muscle in Vanitas's body went tense and his eyes grew wide as he bared his teeth, breath coming in quick, harsh gasps. Vanitas tried to yank his arm free, yelling at Noé to let him go. Eventually he seemed to realise that his current endeavours were getting him nowhere and with his free hand he began to reach for the book of Vanitas.

Instinctively Noé surged forward, pushing them both to the ground, pinning Vanitas beneath him. Vanitas was spitting and shouting and writhing like his life depended on it. Noé felt sick to see Vanitas so desperately afraid of him. But still he didn't release him.

"Vanitas, I need to drink your blood."

"No!" Vanitas's voice came out in a harsh shriek. "No! You can't! I'll kill you!"

"Please let me. I can't think of another way to save Domi. If she died I don't know what I'd do Vanitas," his vision was blurring with tears, some dripping down to land on Vanitas's face.

"I don't care!" Vanitas spat like a wild animal. "I won't let you, Noé! We can find another way to save her."

"And what way is that? Can you guarantee she won't be hurt?" Noé paused but Vanitas didn't provide an answer. "See, this is the only thing I can do. I'd really rather have your permission."

Vanitas ceased his struggling and pinned Noé with his gaze, "so what you're saying is that you're going to do this whether I agree or not?"

"I... yes, Vanitas. I promise not to look at anything I don't absolutely need to."

Vanitas tilted his head back laughing, sharp and humourless. "Then my permission doesn't matter. And why should I trust you to keep any promises? You're already betraying me Noé. And I won't forgive you. What I told you before about drinking my blood still holds true."

"That's fine. After this, I'll let you kill me. If it's to save Domi then I'm okay with that."

"Noé-" Vanitas was cut off by Noé's teeth piercing his neck.


Well, that's that. Since we may be getting Vani's real name soon through Misha's memories here is another guess at what his name might be:

Darvell, after Augustus Darvell a character from an unfinished vampire novel by Lord Byron. I considered Augustus but if that were Vanitas's real name I don't think I'd be able to take him seriously.

I wanted to find a name that would link to Mikhail but failed to find a Mikhail in any famous literature that vnc might be referencing. I don't expect any of my guesses to be right but it's certainly fun to try.

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