Mors Vincit Omnia

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I don't even know if this one shot counts as vannoé because there's certainly no affection between them here. But I was just in the mood for this so sksjdjdid enjoy lmao


They stood 10 metres apart, staring each other down on the empty deck of the airship. Vanitas had one dagger drawn, his other hand twitching between the Book and his second dagger. Noé's eyes were blazing red, almost brighter than the few astermite lamps that were still working to light the airship.

"We're going to crash," Vanitas said, as if Noé wasn't already aware.

"The lift generators are slowing our descent," Noé replied.

"It will still be a rough landing."

"I'd be more worried about myself if I were you. I can survive worse than you can."

"Maybe. But I've fallen from an airship before."

"This isn't like last time."

"Then let's finish this quickly and I'll have time to save myself."

"So be it."

They stood for another moment, observing one another warily. It would take Vanitas a few seconds to draw the Book from its holster but in that time Noé could close the distance between them. It would be over for Noé if Vanitas got the Book out, but if he couldn't draw the Book at all then Noé was sure to be the victor. One wrong move by either party could allow the other to come out on top.

Vanitas was the first to attack. He released the wire rigged into the hilt of his dagger, whipping it towards Noé's eyes. Noé brought one arm up to block the attack, the wire slicing through the fabric of his sleeve but grazing off his reinforced skin. As soon as Noé deflected the blow he was already rushing Vanitas with all his vampiric speed. Vanitas had just managed to pull the Book free but before he could open it Noé knocked it from his hand, causing Vanitas to stumble back with a cry of frustration and pain. The Book clattered to the floor but its chain remained connected to Vanitas's belt.

Vanitas dove to the ground in an attempt to seize his most powerful weapon but Noé was faster, kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying. Vanitas crashed into the glass windows, cracking them with the impact. Noé was almost immediately upon him again and it was all Vanitas could do to scramble out of the way before Noé broke the glass with a kick that probably would have caved in his skull. Vanitas hissed out a curse, throwing out a flash grenade at Noé's feet as he pushed himself to his feet to put some distance between them. The flash wasn't as potent as the chasseurs' aegis but it was enough to distract Noé for a few moments.

Vanitas ran to the small airship dining area, pushing tables and chairs over as meagre obstacles to slow Noé even the slightest bit. Meanwhile he tugged on the chain still attached to his belt, trying to drag the Book towards himself as quickly as he could. When Noé caught up he paused for a moment in front of the chaos Vanitas had created before effortlessly picking up a table and launching it at Vanitas.

Vanitas swore as he tried to leap out of the way but the table struck his side, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground. With an impressive leap Noé was on top of him. Vanitas lashed out with his knife, managing a shallow cut to Noé's face before it was knocked away. He couldn't draw his other dagger from this position and the Book still wasn't within reach so Vanitas took the Book's chain, wrapping it about Noé's neck and choking him. In retaliation Noé grabbed Vanitas's neck. Both men snarling at each other as they tried to force the breath from their lungs.

Vanitas, predictably, started to grow light-headed first. He released the chain with one hand and instead aimed his fingers at Noé's eyes to gouge at them. Startled, Noé reared back and Vanitas gave him a hard kick in the face for good measure as he got his feet back under him. Vanitas drew his remaining dagger, using the wire to trip Noé up just as he started to rise. Abruptly Vanitas was reminded of their first meeting and couldn't help but let out a short bark of laughter at that as he again moved to put distance between them.

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