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If you haven't seen the raws for chapter 41 or the actual chapter do NOT read this! I am serious! The spoilers here are huge! You do not want to experience it through my work before you read Jun's! I have seen the spoilers for this chapter and immediately wanted to write about it but I also wish I hadn't seen them? Reading it when the translation is out would have been better. But, I spoiled it for myself so I can't blame anyone.


Vanitas stood triumphant and smiling tiredly on the ledge Jeanne had left him. When he was sure his patient was alright Vanitas turned, still grinning, and began to shout, "Noé-" but the words died on his lips as he saw the state of his vampire companion. Vanitas's face twisted through a million emotions in a few seconds before settling into something blank. He clambered down from his position as fast as his own injuries would allow, even jumping down the last few metres before running to Noé's side.

"What the hell did you do? Idiot! Dante! Have you got my medical supplies!?"

"No! That bag is back at the inn! I'm not your pack horse!"

Vanitas clicked his tongue. "I'll just have to use what I have on me for now..."

"Are you all right, Vanitas?" Noé asked.

Vanitas blinked up at Noé as he rummaged through the pouches at his belt before rage marred his features, "you lost a goddamn hand! Why are you asking if I'm all right?! How are you going to fight now?"

Noé brought his hand up to Vanitas's hair and combed through it gently, "you have a lot of blood in your hair. Head injuries can be bad you know."

Vanitas slapped the hand away, growling as he began to tend to Noé as best he could with his limited supplies. He didn't meet Noé's eyes during the ordeal. Maybe if he hadn't been so focused on Chloé... no. There was nothing he could have done. Noé would have lost his hand or lost his life and Vanitas knew which one he preferred. Even so, if he wasn't with Vanitas it never would have happened. What if next time an opponent stronger than Astolfo took more than a hand? Noé couldn't die because of him.

As Vanitas finished, scowling at the inadequecies of his work, Chloé, Jeanne and Jean-jaques approached. They all thanked Vanitas and Noé in various states of tears. Quietly, as they spoke to Noé, Vanitas slipped over to Dante's side.

"Whadda ya want, Quack?"

"You need to report back to Marquis Machina, don't you?"


"Take me and Noé with you."

"Hah? Why?"

"He asked you to get me involved. I want to ask him about it. Besides, he's an expert in all things mechanical. He... might give Noé a chance at a new hand."

"That'll cost you."

"I'm aware. How much, to bring us along?"

"Not from me. The Marquis isn't going to build you a hand for nothing you realise? Aren't you going to a lot of trouble for that guy?"

"My shield should have all his limbs working and attached."

"C'mon. Just admit you like the guy, usually you'd want to cut someone off if they stopped being useful."

"I will. If we can't get him a new hand. But it's my fault he lost it so I owe it to him to try. Anyway, Noé might decide I'm- the book of Vanitas is more trouble than it's worth."

"He chose to follow you and fight that brat. It ain't your fault. And you should have seen the way he looked at you when you were restoring Chloé D'apchier's true name. I think he'd stay by your side forever if he could."

"Even I was in awe of the scene after restoring Chloé's true name. For Noé to look at something like that with wonder isn't surprising, especially given his track record of being excited by things."

Vanitas moved away, returning to Noé's side and swatting Jean-jaques away, claiming Noé was his patient and needed medical attention more thorough than what Vanitas had thus far been able to provide and shouldn't be touched too much. Despite this, Vanitas scrubbed some of the blood still left on Noé's face and fixed his clothes a little.

"Good job taking that kid out. Did you belt him one for me like I asked a while ago?"

"Right across his face," Noé smiled.

"I'm... sorry about not being able to help."

"I couldn't have beaten him without you."


"What you told me earlier," Noé brought his hand up and played with his hair a little, almost nervously, "it really helped. So thank you."

"Sure," Vanitas averted his eyes. "Argh. Dominique is going to kill me if she finds out about this!"

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen." Noé reassured him.

Dante sighed from the corner he was standing in and muttered under his breath, "y'know Quack, I didn't mean Noé would stay with you forever because of your stupid book. He really likes you, almost as much as you like him."


This is like the last time I wrote a fic about what happens after the current chapter. Obviously, I'm going to be wrong but it's still fun to write this stuff. I wanted to include the Chasseurs but I have no idea what Roland and Olivier will do next chapter. I do think Noé will get a new hand though, like Misha, but it will probably take getting used to on his part.

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