Draconis Memoria AU

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My dudes, this is a very specific AU that caters to my tastes specifically. Anthony Ryan is an author I like and I finished his draconis memoria trilogy a little while ago and seeing it on my bookshelf sparked this. I will be explaining nothing about this trilogy so when I use any weird terms I hope you can just pick up on my meanings using context clues or just accept it even if you don't understand. I have forgotten a lot of things from the books so I'm mostly just using the setting and magic system.


Noé leapt between the Carvenport rooftops, his strength enhanced by green. He was sticking to the edge of town to avoid detection even though night had long since fallen. A lot of even the most skilled blood-blessed Noé had met fell victim to simple mistakes. With their power they tended to stop thinking or see themselves as invincible. But Noé had learned caution, even if he had yet to learn strategy.

Eventually he came to a stop, crouching low behind a chimney as he watched the street below. Any minute now the man he was after was sure to appear. The man was apparently an unregistered blood-blessed who'd been kicking up trouble of late. Usually such a man would need to be put down so to speak but he was young and harmless enough that taking him alive was easy enough.

Noé wasn't sure why his employers wanted the man alive exactly, and though it interested him it wasn't his place to ask. Rather, he hoped to find out on his own why this target was so special. Unregistered blood-blessed were somewhat uncommon but rarely worth any time. Certainly not worth the time of an Exceptional Initiatives agent.

All Noé had to go off was a description but he was certain he'd recognise the target immediately. Not just because he was confident in his skills but because this man was one of the most flamboyant Noé had ever had described to him. And when, finally, he passed by on the street below Noé had to wonder if he was even trying to be discreet. Noé quickly scanned the surroundings and, confident the man was alone, leapt down from the roof to land in front of the man. The stones below his feet cracked and Noé belatedly realised he'd gone a bit overboard with the use of green.

"What are you?" His target drawled, tilting his head condescendingly.

"The same as you." Noé answered.

"No, you're mistaken I'm afraid. What exactly do you want?"

"I'm here to take you into custody."

"On whose orders? Ironship perhaps? Not that it matters," he pulled a pair of knives from his belt. "You won't be reporting back."

Noé reached out with black to stop him. The man froze in place for a moment before the unthinkable happened. He broke from Noé's hold and surged forward. Noé stumbled back, barely avoiding having his stomach slashed open as his brain worked overtime.

"What are you?"

"You were sent for me and don't even know that?" He grinned, still keeping Noé on the defensive.

"You're an unregistered. But you-"

"Oh, no. I'm not like you, I'm an average human being."

Noé avoided the next attack by jumping onto the rooftops above them, far from the man's reach. His target seemed unconcerned, amused even, and was not taking the opportunity to escape. He watched Noé for a moment.

"What's your name?"

"Noé." He answered without thinking.

"I see. So, Noé, do you still plan to capture me?"

Noé frowned, "I was ordered-"

"No, no. I don't want to hear that. What's your opinion, I'm not a blood-blessed so is it still okay to take me into custody? I'm not breaking any rules, I just scare your employers."

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