Valentine's Day 2: Electric Boogaloo

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I just found that this was unpublished??? I wrote this in February and I'm sure I released it but I guess I unpublished it again? Anyway, here it is being republished lmao.

Holy hell I can't believe how long this has existed for. I only just realised that Valentine's was coming up and then it hit me that I had to write another fic for it. I mean the earliest fic in this collection is from 2017 but
I've been most consistent with uploading through the end of 2018-2019. So now I'm writing my second Valentine's fic and oh boy is that surreal. I wouldn't even care about this holiday if not for Vanitas and Noé. Anyway this isn't a sequel to last year's but I'm sure that doesn't matter.

It was midday when Noé joined Vanitas on the roof. He had been out for most of the day for one reason or another. Vanitas didn't really care why, he often left on his own when they had a free day. And they had a lot of free days. Cursebearers didn't always turn up when or where it was convenient for Vanitas to reach them before a bourreau or the church. When Noé stood beside him Vanitas acknowledged him with a grunt.

"You know, it's dangerous to sit so close to the edge."

Vanitas looked down at his legs dangling over the edge of the roof and kicked them back and forth, "I suppose so. Can't be more dangerous than what we usually do, eh?"

Noé stayed silent for a moment before Vanitas saw him nod in agreement out of the corner of his eye. "Do you know what today is?"

"Friday? Though I suppose that's not what you mean. Some vampire holiday? You birthday perhaps?"

"Ah, you have something in your hair!"

Noé crouched down and Vanitas felt him pluck something, probably a leaf, from his hair. Yet the vampire's other hand joined the first and started moving through his locks. "What are you doing?"

"I used to do Domi's hair all the time when we were kids. She always seemed to find it relaxing."

"What? Are you saying I need to relax?"

"Not really. It's just a habit. She has much softer hair by the way."

Vanitas growled. "Sorry my hair doesn't meet the de Sade standards. I can barely handle hair this long, I almost respect Dominique and her Beastia sister. Did you ever do her hair?"

"Veronica? No. I've never formally met her, she never came to teacher's mansion like Domi did. The only time I've actually seen her is at Marquis Machina's ball. That's why she didn't recognise me." 

"Dominique had better hair than her anyway."

Noé snorted, "holding a grudge?"

"She froze me in ice!"

"You did announce to a room of vampires that you were a human and Vanitas's kin. And yet you warn me not to use your name around patients."

"Oh come now, I couldn't pass up such an opportunity. I have always had a flair for the dramatic and I would have had to reveal myself eventually given the events of that night."

"You couldn't have known that at the time. Want to tell me what possessed you to do that?"

"Nope," Vanitas grinned. "Didn't feel like explaining myself then and don't feel like it now."

"Very well." Noé's hands stilled, "I've finished your hair."

Vanitas pulled his hair over his shoulder to get a look, "Ah, a braid. Not usually my style but it will do."

"Such high praise."

Vanitas chuckled, "indeed. So, you going to tell me what today is?"

Noé seemed to think about it for a moment, "I'm not sure if you deserve to know."

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