A Night Together

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So sorry that I've been posting so often lately. Please forgive me for doing so. Anyway, this chapter is going to have mild sexual content. It's not smut but it's more than just suggestive. Also in this fic they have a semi-ambiguous established relationship. Because I don't feel like dealing with their canon relationship dynamic in order to justify how close they are in this fic.

The moment Vanitas and Noé were inside their room Vanitas dragged Noé into a searing kiss. He held tight to Noé's collar to haul him down to his level as he forced his tongue into Noé's mouth. The moment Noé's brain caught up to what was going on he pulled away.

"Vanitas?" He choked out in surprise.

"Shut up Noé," Vanitas growled, grabbing him by the back of the hair and attempting to pull him in for another kiss. Noé resisted, placing a hand on Vanitas's chest to stop him from advancing.

"What's gotten into you?"

"What's the matter? We've done this before," Vanitas scowled, moving his hand out of Noé's hair to instead fiddle with Noé's coat in an effort to remove it.

"We haven't gone all that far though," Noé flushed. "And usually when we've kissed it hasn't been so spontaneous."

"So I'm not allowed to kiss you?"

Vanitas smiled a little as Noé's coat finally came undone and he pushed it from his shoulders.

"Of course you can. I'd just like a little warning next time!"

"Here's your warning," Vanitas said, pulling Noé down to meet him again, this time with only a little less teeth than the last one.

While they kissed Vanitas's hands wandered down to Noé's waistcoat and began to undo the buttons. Noé, far out of his depth, followed Vanitas's lead and helped to divest Vanitas of his jacket. They were forced to break apart eventually, resting their foreheads together, breathing heavily.


"Stop talking Noé." Vanitas pushed Noé back to topple onto a bed. His bed. Not Vanitas's.

Vanitas crawled on top of him and began to undo the buttons on Noé's shirt - the only piece of clothing left on Noé's top half. As Vanitas worked he leaned down to kiss Noé again, surprisingly softly this time. When his shirt was undone Vanitas disconnected from Noé's lips and instead moved to Noé's neck, biting down hard enough to draw a little blood.

"Ow! Vanitas!" Noé protested.

"It's just a little bite," Vanitas murmured against his skin, continuing his ministrations on Noé's neck.

Noé threaded his fingers through Vanitas's hair as he continued to mouth at his neck, taking long deep breaths.

"You're this excited from a human biting you Noé? That's adorable," Vanitas pulled away from his neck with a smirk.

"Shut up," Noé said roughly, pulling Vanitas down for a gentle kiss.

Vanitas smiled against his lips before his hand started to trail down Noé's chest. The claws on the ends of his fingertips scraped across his skin and Noé shivered. Vanitas paused for a moment around Noé's navel before the hand dipped abruptly and started to toy with his belt.

"Wait!" Noé said suddenly, sitting a bit more upright and grabbing Vanitas's hand to stop him.

"What?" Vanitas glared at him, snatching his hand back from Noé's grasp.

"I don't think we should..."

"Why not?" He snapped.

"You don't seem in your right mind. I probably shouldn't have let it go even this far."

"Don't be stupid. I couldn't possibly be more willing for this to go ahead and you seem just as eager."

"I don't want you to regret this later."

"If I regret it that's my problem," Vanitas sneered. "You want this, don't you? Denying yourself out of some misguided concern for me is obscene."

"Vanitas, please. You seem upset."

"I'm upset because you're talking nonsense!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not having sex with you right now. I don't care if you're willing, I don't feel comfortable with you being in the state you're in."

"You're so boring," Vanitas sighed, flopping onto his side to lie beside Noé.

"Feel like telling me what's wrong?" Noé turned his head to face Vanitas.

"Other than being rejected by you?" Vanitas said petulantly, shifting a little to make himself more comfortable against Noé's pillow. "Sometimes people just want to relieve stress, Noé."

"With you stress is never just that."

"Maybe," Vanitas shrugged as best he could from his position. "Would you at the very least let me kiss you again?"

"That doesn't seem too much to ask."

They leaned into each other and shared a chaste kiss. It wasn't anything like the other kisses they'd shared that night, infused with tenderness rather than passion. When they split Vanitas ran his hand down Noé's arm until he reached Noé's hand and intertwined their fingers. Then he brought Noé's hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles.

"I hate you," he said.

"I know," Noé smiled.


Yikes not sure that was any good but here we are.

Mmm chapter 52 raws are pretty intense, my head's filled with nothing but vnc. Also the latest full length PV that just got posted? Insane. It looks so cool and the snippet of the ED song we got is amazing. The words that I was able to catch from that song though... many thoughts, head full. Vnc fandom is eating well this month aren't we? Just look at this smug bitch

 Vnc fandom is eating well this month aren't we? Just look at this smug bitch

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