Hug Pillow

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I think that from the title we all know where this is going. In chapter... 19? Possibly chapter 19? Vanitas mentioned to Amelia that she shouldn't get too close to the sleeping Noé otherwise he would make her into a hug pillow. First, it's really cute that Noé hugs things when he sleeps (not really relevant but Noé is freaking adorable.) Second, Vanitas must know this information from personal experience. Finally, in that chapter I just realised that they share a room and there are two beds in there.


Vanitas and Noé stumbled inside their room, exhausted from fruitlessly hunting for clues about curse bearers and Charlatan. Vanitas had thought he had found something that would help them solve all the mysteries that plagued them but they ended up on a wild goose chase. Literally. But that's a story for another time.

"That was such a waste of time," Noé grumbled.

"Yes, just like talking to you is a waste of time," Vanitas quipped.

Noé gave Vanitas an exasperated look. If he weren't so tired Noé would've responded more harshly but for now he didn't care enough. Noé just wanted to sleep and that was exactly what he was going to do.

Noé fell onto his bed heavily and within moments had fallen asleep. Vanitas glared at him, it was irritating that Noé could sleep so easily while it took him hours even when he was exhausted. Noé hadn't even bothered removing his shoes or changing into his pyjamas. Vanitas clicked his tongue irritably as he removed his coat and tossed it onto a nearby chair.

Vanitas found himself sitting on the edge of his bed mindlessly flipping through the book of Vanitas. It really would've been interesting if he hadn't seen every page of it at least fifty times already. All exhaustion had faded and while he knew this was no excuse to remain awake Vanitas couldn't bring himself to care.

After a while his gaze drifted back over to Noé. The stupid vampire was sleeping soundly. It was disgusting. Vanitas couldn't stand the sight any longer so he decided that he would head up to the roof. If he wasn't going to sleep he might as well have something nice to look at. Although he would never tell Noé, Vanitas did find that the cityscape of Paris was nice.

Vanitas made his way over to the window next to Noé's bed, planning to climb out and onto the roof. This did not happen. As Vanitas leaned slightly over Noé to unlatch the window he felt an arm wrap around him before he was pulled down onto the bed. Noé somehow moved to a position where he was hugging Vanitas while still sleeping.

"Get off of me!" Vanitas growled as he used one arm to shove at Noé's face to get him to let go.

Noé did not let go, he just shuffled positions slightly so Vanitas had his arm in a position where he could still move it but couldn't get enough leverage to shove Noé off. Vanitas was starting to question whether Noé was actually asleep or if he was just trying to be irritating.

It would have been hard enough to get Noé off if Vanitas had full mobility because he was much smaller and lighter than Noé but now it would be almost impossible. Almost. Vanitas decided that maybe yelling would wake Noé up so he did just that.


Noé stirred but didn't actually wake up. Vanitas wondered how anyone could be such a heavy sleeper. Now the only option was to cause Noé pain to get him to awaken. Vanitas slammed his elbow as hard as he could, with his decreased mobility, into Noé's gut and continued to twist and grind his elbow afterwards to make sure he felt it.

"Louis... stop..." Noé murmured.

Who the Hell was Louis?! Vanitas would have to ask later. For now he just needed Noé to get off. Luckily, it seemed like he was waking up now. Vanitas continued to assault Noé until he opened his eyes. It took Noé a moment to realise what was happening and as soon as he did his arms jerked away from Vanitas and pushed him off the bed.

"Hey! What was that for?" Vanitas whined as he got up from the floor.

"What were you doing in my bed?!" Noé half screamed.

"It's your fault you know," Vanitas scowled, "I was just trying to get out the window but you dragged me down."

"I did?" Noé seemed terribly embarrassed.

"Yes, you did," Vanitas answered, "you wouldn't let me escape. You're so clingy when you're asleep."

"I'm sorry," Noé apologised, "why were you trying to get out the window anyway?"

"To go to the roof. Why else?" Vanitas gave Noé a condescending look.

"Yes but why so late at night?"

"Couldn't sleep," Vanitas yawned, "but now I can. Goodnight Noé."

Vanitas went to his own bed and pulled the covers over himself, effectively halting any conversation. Noé couldn't help but feel that Vanitas wasn't really tired and just wanted to avoid the topic. Not that it mattered, Vanitas didn't have to tell him anything.


I didn't know how to end it but I hope that was okay. I like it (apart from the ending lol). Have a nice day everyone.

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