Nightmares and Insomnia

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We're going back to fluff on this one, so if you prefer the angst I'm sorry. Anyway, let's get started!


Noé awoke with a start. He found that he had fallen out of his bed and he was still half entangled in his sheets. Noé groaned and wriggled out from the blankets before standing up. He rubbed his temples to soothe the headache that was manifesting. He assumed that his head had hit the floor quite hard when he had fallen out of bed if it hurt so badly.

Noé picked up the bedding which was on the floor and tossed it discordantly on the bed. He looked out his window to see the pale, white moon still high in the sky and realised it must still be very late at night. Even with this knowledge Noé did not want to return to sleep. He would only be plagued with more nightmares of his dear friends who were now dead. Mina, Fanny, Fred Gilles, Louis.

Noé decided to head straight out to the roof where he usually met Vanitas for breakfast. It would be quiet, familiar, and he would be able to get some fresh air to help him calm down.

When Noé reached the roof he was shocked. Vanitas was there, dressed in the clothes he always wore, looking as ready as always to face the day. Noé himself was still in his night clothes and he realised that he had never seen Vanitas in anything but the clothes he currently wore. He wondered if Vanitas even had pyjamas at all.

"Vanitas?" Noé asked when he spotted the other man, now convinced he was still dreaming.

"Noé?!" Vanitas squawked in surprise, having only just noticed the other's presence. "You're usually not up this early."

"And you are?" Noé countered.

"Maybe," Vanitas shrugged, having regained his composure.

"Why are you up here at this time?" Noé frowned.

"I could ask the same of you," Vanitas retorted.

"The difference is that I'd give you a straight answer if you wanted to know," Noé scoffed.

"Alright then."


"Tell me what brings you here," Vanitas ordered nonchalantly.

"I... had a nightmare..." Noé muttered, expecting Vanitas to tease him.

"Fair enough," Vanitas sighed and patted the spot next to him, inviting Noé to sit down.

Noé gave Vanitas a weird look but sat next to him anyway. Neither of them spoke for a while, they just took comfort in each other's company. The first to speak up was Noé.

"You haven't told me why you're out here."

"No, I have not," Vanitas agreed.

"Will you tell me?"

Vanitas glanced at Noé, "I can tell from your face that you aren't going to leave me alone. I just couldn't sleep, it happens quite often. Nothing to worry about."

"It's not?"

"Calm down Noé, it's not like I'm sleep deprived. It doesn't happen every night, sometimes I just can't get more than an hour or two of rest. You having nightmares disturbing enough that you had to come out here is more worrying."

"I guess we're both in worrying situations," Noé smiled wryly.

"What a team we make! An human insomniac, and a vampire hagridden by nightmares!" Vanitas cackled.

"You find humour in the most curious things Vanitas," Noé chuckled.

"What were your nightmares about?" Vanitas asked suddenly.

"What?" Noé blanched.

"You heard my question, do you plan to answer it?"

"The nightmare was about the past. I usually have one every now and then if I'm feeling bad. But, well, since getting involved with you and the curse bearers they've become more frequent."

"I see," Vanitas breathed. "You don't have to stick with me you know? If it's causing you distress then it's for the best if we part ways."

"Don't be stupid. It's not your fault and there's no way I'm leaving you or the Book of Vanitas. I've come this far with you and I don't intend to turn back now."

"You really are an idiot," Vanitas snorted. "No wonder I find you so interesting."

"Vanitas look!" Noé shouted in excitement. "The sun's rising."

"So it is," Vanitas smiled.

I don't even know. Just don't question it. I hope you enjoyed (if anyone reads this).

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