Noé is a Mess

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Noé came into his and Vanitas's shared room with another useless trinket and plopped it onto Vanitas's bedside table! Over his time in Paris Noé had slowly started to accumulate junk. At first it wasn't so bad. Noé bought a few bits and pieces here and there. They didn't take up much space and it was understandable that he wanted souvenirs.

Now, Noé had been in Paris for months. He was no longer some starry eyed tourist who had never seen Paris before. Yet he kept bringing garbage home. As though that wasn't bad enough Noé's junk was encroaching on Vanitas's space. The desk in their room had long since been overtaken with Noé's baubles and although Vanitas had grumbled about it the desk wasn't a big deal. It's not like he needed it for any of his work.

Now, it was getting ridiculous. Vanitas was starting to find things in the bathroom, on chairs, even in his bed once. Vanitas didn't sleep in the room that often but when he did he did not want to find a porcelain replica of the arc de triomphe under his pillow. How and why did Noé even put it there?

Vanitas wasn't a patient man but he had been trying to let Noé do what he wanted in their room. It belonged to him more than it belonged to Vanitas, but it was still shared. And Noé's hoarding was starting to get in the way. The bed incident had certainly set him off but Vanitas tried to be diplomatic. He assigned Noé a part of their room and told him to keep his junk there. If something didn't fit it would have to be thrown out. Noé agreed and that should have been the end of it. It wasn't of course.

After Vanitas had reprimanded him Noé at least had the decency to bring in his new trinkets when Vanitas wasn't in the room. But here he was, flaunting a snowglobe in front of Vanitas. Waving it about without a care in the damn world and placing it beside Vanitas in the most infuriatingly oblivious manner. When Noé turned away Vanitas pushed it off the table.


Noé turned in shock and horror to see the shattered pieces of his snowglobe on the floor, "Vanitas?!"

"Oops," Vanitas deadpanned.

"What was that for?"

Vanitas's eye twitched, "do you remember our deal about your collection?"

Noé seemed to ponder it for a moment before his eyes lit up, "yes! I recall you wanted me to stop buying things!"

"Then what is this!?" Vanitas screeched. "Are you going to apologise ar least?"

"No. You broke it so I think we're even."

Vanitas resisted the urge to wring the vampire's neck. "Just clean up this mess."

"I don't see why I should have to..." Vanitas gave him a withering glare. "Alright, alright, I'll clean up your mess."

Similar incidents continued to happen  until Vanitas gave up on reasoning with Noé. He simply started to relocate Noé's possessions whenever they got in the way. Occasionally throwing things out altogether if they were deemed offensive enough. Noé didn't even notice. Noé absolutely refused to clean up after himself or acknowledge that he had a problem. Vanitas even told Amelia so she could help him get rid of some of Noé's useless items as they piled up as fast as Vanitas could get rid of them on his own.

Amelia seemed to find it amusing, calling it 'wonderfully domestic.' If she wasn't a former patient Vanitas would have killed her. It would be a waste seeing as it took do much work saving her. Including having to fight Noé.

When they had first met Noé had seemed so cool and stoic. Vanitas had thought he was a dumb bit strong vampire and would be easy to control. He was wrong. Noé was much more earnest and naive than he was expecting. More nosy too. He also had a lot of weird quirks Vanitas was not equipped to deal with. He had enough on his plate dealing with his own weird quirks.

Even so, Noé was exactly what he needed, maybe minus the Archiviste part. He was willing to criticise Vanitas and make sure they stood on equal ground. He didn't follow blindly but he knew when to fall back and let Vanitas handle things most of the time. He remained by his side and pushed just that little bit harder than most people to get into Vanitas's business. It was infuriating but oddly endearing. If anyone was going to stick by Vanitas it was Noé. An idiotic vampire who could not keep his stuff on his own side of the room. Vanitas was doomed.


Just saw the raws for chapter 38 and mmmmm I have a lot of thoughts and theories. Also love for my two boys who are once again going to be in the same room! If anyone else has seen the raws/the actual chapter by the time they read this what do you think? Got any theories? Also Loki is a snacc and I wasn't ready for that revelation.

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