The Kiss

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Mochijun's posting insane things on Twitter again so have this. Loosely based on previews for the bonus comics being released with the blurays. Set after memoire 4.


"... Vanitas."


"Why... did you suddenly kiss Jeanne just a while ago?"

"Ha?" Vanitas stopped walking and turned around to face Noé fully, who also stopped. The few metres between them didn't feel like enough to Noé as he watched an amused smile worm its way onto Vanitas's face. "Did it bother you?"

"Yes," Noé confirmed simply.

Vanitas hummed, stalking forward and closing the distance until he was right in front of Noé, smirking.

"I can give you a kiss too if you're jealous." Vanitas tapped Noé's lip with the back of his finger as he made the offer.

Noé recoiled a few steps, brows furrowed in irritation and confusion. Vanitas was far too casual with physical touch, it made him uneasy. For his part Vanitas didn't seem bothered by Noé's negative reaction, still smiling infuriatingly.

"Well, Noé?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't like you."

Vanitas laughed at that and Noé's frown deepened, not understanding the joke at all. "Kissing isn't really about liking someone. Not that I was serious about the offer anyway. Let's go back to the hotel, Noé."

"... Okay."

Noé pursed his lips as he trailed behind Vanitas. He didn't understand him at all. He hadn't even gotten an answer about the kiss in the end, and now it felt strange to bring up again. He wondered if that was why Vanitas offered to kiss him, to deflect the question altogether and give Noé something else to puzzle over instead. It was certainly possible.

Still, Noé had to resist the urge to touch his lip where Vanitas's finger had been. He didn't like him, he knew that much, but Noè wondered if there was some truth in what Vanitas said, that kissing didn't have to be between people who liked one another. He was at least passingly curious about what Vanitas's lips would feel like, difficult as that was to admit. Or maybe it was just kissing in general he was curious about. That would make sense.

Noé sighed, he was even more bewildered now than when he'd started. He never got any answers from Vanitas, only more questions.


Considering when this is set Noé is being genuine about not liking Vanitas. But he's also gay and Vanitas is attractive so y'know he's still a little interested hahaha

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