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"You're really close to Noé."

"Huh? No I'm not."

"You always let him get away with things that you'd usually hold a grudge about." Dante pushed.

The two were sitting in the corner of a small tavern, away from the other patrons. At some point in their partnership it had become a place they frequented. It was supposed to be a one time thing but they were both young and stressed and meeting up for a drink every now and then was almost therapeutic.

"Noé's just difficult to handle, holding grudges won't get me anywhere with him." Vanitas grumbled into his beer.

"Whatever, quack. You shouldn't get mixed up with vampires so easily though."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Vanitas hissed.

"It means what I said. You own an infamous weapon that all vampires fear but recently you've been throwing yourself at them. Just look at your relationship with the Hellfire Witch."

"Noé never feared it..."

Dante sighed, "This is what I mean when I say you're soft on the guy. What's so special about him?"

"He's strong and that's useful," Vanitas waved Dante off.

"Come on, that isn't it. You would have ditched him already if that were all. It's not like you're desperate to save money, you always found a way to pay me no matter what the job."

"Why do you care so much about Noé? You interested in him?"

"As if. I'm a dham, we don't go for humans or vampires. You on the other hand... seem inclined towards vampires."

"Ugh. Don't be weird. Human or vampire or dham doesn't matter, it's not like I pursued Jeanne on anything other than a whim."

"And I'd believe you if it were just the Hellfire Witch," Dante murmured.

"I need more to drink," Vanitas scowled.

"Don't, you're so annoying drunk."

"Then stop drinking with me."

"Unfortunately, I have no one else to drink with. Johann would flip if he found out and last time I went with Riche we got kicked out for fighting."

"With who?"

"Each other, moron."

Vanitas waved to indicate he wanted another drink, even as Dante rubbed his temples, already anticipating a long evening. Vanitas tended to be cautious about how much he drank unless he was worked up about something, then he'd do his very best to get blackout drunk. It seemed like one of those nights. Another unfortunate thing about Vanitas was that he was a lightweight, probably at least partially due to the fact he was a literal lightweight and didn't have the body mass required to hold large amounts of alcohol.

Dante tapped his fingers on the table irritably, "What's wrong with you this time?"

"Nothing," Vanitas snapped as he snatched his beer to take a very long sip.

"You weren't like this when we first got here. Don't tell me I set this off by mentioning Noé?" Vanitas just glared and that practically confirmed Dante's words. "You're hopeless."


"Do you honestly not understand how insufferable you are?"

"I didn't come out to be insulted by you, Baldy. Nothing's wrong with me, you just won't shut up and mind your own business."

Dante watched with disdain as Vanitas continued to consume beer at a rate that was completely irresponsible. Dante considered getting drunk himself, just because dealing with a drunk Vanitas was so painful. Ultimately he decided against it, no way would either of them get home if Dante was as weak-willed as his companion.

Vanitas × NoéWhere stories live. Discover now