Another PH Crossover

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Yes, I am doing another PH crossover! Skip this chapter if you haven't read Pandora Hearts because it will not make sense. Look, I recently reread it and I realised Alice's birthday was coming up. I couldn't not write about it. So, happy birthday to my girl Alice. She is one if my favourite PH characters and a younger version of me was completely enamoured with her when I first discovered PH. So here's Noé and Vani meeting the gang again to celebrate July 20th






"What the hell are they doing next door?" Vanitas leaped through the window, startling Noé.


"Don't give me that stupid look, I can hear it from the roof. I'm going to give them a piece of our minds."

"Our" Noé scoffed.

"Yes, I'm sure you're just too polite to say anything but it's almost certainly bothering you."

"Maybe. But they just moved in and Amelia said they're really nice and it's a single father with his kids. So I don't want their first impression to be me complaining."


"Well, I'm not tolerating that." Vanitas announced and marched out the door, Noé stumbling after him and pleading with him to stop.

Vanitas rapped angrily on their neighbour's door and Noé stopped yelling at him because it was already too late. Instead moving to put himself between Vanitas and the doorframe. The door swung open before Noé could make it. Vanitas's eyes widened and then sharpened into a glare.

"You again?"

"We've met?" The girl frowned.

"You don't remember." Vanitas looked ready to strangle her. "I'm not here to relive our past meeting in any case. I'm here to compl-"

"Alice, who is it?" A blonde kid came into view behind her. Oz.

"Two boys!" Alice yelled, "one says he's met me."

Oz approached, "met you? Oh! Noé and... Veritas?"

"Vanitas." Vanitas spat.

"Right. What brings you guys around here and how did you find out we started living here? Are you stalking us perhaps?" Oz gasped dramatically, hiding his stupid grin by putting a hand over his mouth.

"No," Noé gently moved Vanitas out of the way, "we actually came to meet our new neighbors who turned out to be, well, you."

"I see. Well - "


"Actually," Vanitas shoved Noé away roughly, "We came to complain about that noise."

"Vanitas." Noé turned an accusing glare on his human companion.

"It's fine. Seaweed Head is just a bit clumsy sometimes with one hand. He got pretty good at cooking with only one but the new kitchen is throwing him off. I'm not so easily swayed by my environment like that pitiful being." Alice said haughtily.

"He's... cooking..." Vanitas could barely believe it.

"Yeah, it's Alice's birthday so he's making a feast, care to join us? Gil always makes too much food."


"I'll join you but only to help that idiot stop making such a mess of his kitchen." Vanitas threw his jacket off and into Noé's arms before storming past Alice and Oz.

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