Roland Talks

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A new chapter of Vanitas is out and you know what that means! I have to write more about Vanitas and Noé! I am obligated to do so. Also, the Vanijeanne this chapter was interesting and though I don't ship it I love their relationship as it adds a lot to the story. Also! Roland and Olivier have such a nice dynamic, I really want to see more of them. And if you have yet to read the newest chapter, here is an image to convince you to go read it now:

 And if you have yet to read the newest chapter, here is an image to convince you to go read it now:

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"Olivier!" Roland grinned.

"Ugh. What is it?" Olivier continued to stride in the direction he had already been going.

Roland effortlessly fell into step with the other paladin despite the fact that Olivier was trying to get rid of him. "I was researching vampires again in Mira's library!"

"And?" Olivier growled.

"Come onnnn," Roland whined. "You said I could only speak to you about this and I've discovered such interesting things!"

Olivier glared at him for a moment before scanning the corridor they were walking down. "Come with me."

Roland practically skipped after Olivier. Olivier brought him to a small room, empty of any furniture. It had been cleaned out a while ago and had yet to be repurposed. Olivier liked to go there to get away from the other chasseurs, particularly the paladins, and this would be the first and last time Roland ever visited. He was terrible with directions and never could find it again.

"Now, out with whatever you wanted to say," Olivier tapped his foot impatiently.

"My research has been so enlightening! A great many things don't add up at all when looking at how the church describes everything. I do wonder if they misinterpreted God's will somewhere along the way!" Roland said amiably.

Olivier slammed his hand into the wall behind him. "You came to me in order to spew heretical words!?"

"Of course not! Obviously, it was necessary to kill the rampaging vampires and we were at war so casualties are expected. But perhaps we have it wrong. Not every vampire is evil. For instance, that one I met in the-"

"You want to talk about those two again? Doctor Moreau was a madman but just because they opposed him doesn't make them good. You said one had the Book of Vanitas. I find it hard to believe but supposing you're right, wouldn't it be more likely he is behind the recent incidents of vampire attacks?"

"No. I saw him save a vampire with my own eyes. Do you not trust me, Olivier?"

"Do you really want me to answer that."

Roland laughed, "come now! You made me a paladin for a reason. I think you should consider that maybe vampires and humans living separately is wrong."

"Honestly Roland. You might as well leave the church right now. What could possibly convince you that we can coexist?"

"You know! I saw Vanitas and Noé laughing together! It was something I felt was undeniably right. How could God condemn such a wonderful thing?"

"Roland, think it over more. Maybe two individuals managed to befriend one another. Maybe it's possible for more people to form those same relationships with vampires. But look at our history, nothing good came of vampires and humans living in the same world. The most cooperation we have is a few emissaries between here and Altus and we still only hang onto peace by a thread. Changing things would snap that thread."

"Keeping people from the possibility of love because they're different races cannot be right."

"Who said anything about love?"

"Vanitas and Noé! One of them is almost certainly in love with the other, or at least falling for them. Though neither understands love I think they could be the bridge between vampires and humans."

Oliver sighed, "Roland, as long as you don't get in the church's way you're free to do as you please but if those two get in my way I will kill them. You think they'll be the bridge to unite us? Fine. Just know that I don't share your views and have no qualms protecting the church with any means necessary."

"You will."

"Will what?"

"Share my views," Roland smiled and slipped out of the room before Olivier could explode.


I just wanted to write about Roland and Olivier because:

1) I love Roland
2) I love Olivier
3) I love Roland and Olivier's dynamic
4) I wanted to look at how Roland would confide in Olivier seeing as in the catacombs arc Olivier said to Roland to only speak to him about his newfound interest in vampires
5) I just wanted to write about an outside perspective on Vannoé. Originally it was going to be from Domijeanne's perspective.

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