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I'm sad because of the spoiler mochijun just posted on twitter so I wanted to write something that isn't sad. It is very short but enjoy.

Noé leaned his back against Vanitas's. They hadn't been in this position for a long time, not since the Moreau incident. It felt nice, Noé thought as he closed his eyes and leaned his head a bit further back. Vanitas shifted a little to accommodate him so Noé was resting his head on Vanitas's shoulder.

"You were far too reckless today," Vanitas muttered.

"So were you," Noé replied, equally as softly.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Me too," Noé sighed. "I can smell blood on you though."

"Watch it," Vanitas warned, though Noé could hear the smile in his voice. "This close to my neck you really shouldn't be talking about my blood. I will kill you."

Noé laughed lightly, "I'm too tired to think about drinking your blood. I wouldn't be able to savour the taste properly in this state."

"Gross," Vanitas scrunched up his nose.

Noé snorted and Vanitas felt the breath tickle the back of his neck. He normally would have shifted away from such a sensation but Vanitas really didn't want to disturb Noé. It was comfortable to lay against each other like this. It felt right. He almost didn't want to part from Noé at all. That solid back and warm body grounded him, made him feel safe.

When eventually, after possibly an hour of simply laying against each other, Noé began to get up Vanitas was reluctant to part with him. When they stood Vanitas hooked his arm through Noé's and immediately felt better as he pressed himself against the vampire. Yes, this would do nicely. For his part Noé didn't protest, acknowledging Vanitas with a smile.

They walked home together arm in arm.

Vanitas × NoéWhere stories live. Discover now