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Well, chapter 34.5 just launched me into a really shippy mood. Noé reaching out towards a light and it being Vanitas? Vanitas wiping blood off Noé's cheek? Vanitas saying he was worried about Noé but immediately backtracking because he's tsundere? Noé refusing to invalidate revenge as motivation because he knows Vani is motivated by revenge? Vanitas being willing to let Noé convince him to heal Chloe and Jean Jaques? Noé stepping between Vani and Astolfo? Good sh*t. I am absolutely ecstatic and the goddamn development that had to happen to get here? Amazing. In conclusion, I love the boys and need to write about them or I will die! My heart is singing! Even if they never become canon (and let's be real a gay ship in a shounen manga is unlikely) Jun has provided us with so many good moments. I'm setting this chapter after the latest one and am making the assumption they'll head back to their hotel after dealing with Chloe.


Noé awoke with a start. He was on the floor. But it was a familiar floor. The floor of his and Vanitas's room. He sighed, partly in relief, it had been a while since he'd been back here. After everything that had happened in Gévaudan... well, it was comforting. That room had become a space where Noé felt safe and could let his guard down without worry.

As he yawned, he heard a tap at the window. It was Vanitas, hanging upside down and beckoning Noé up. He often did that at breakfast time, always seeming to get it prepared just as Noé woke up. It was strange that Vanitas knew him so well.

After Vanitas knew he had seen him he disappeared again, swinging back up onto the roof. Noé yawned again before groggily getting to his feet and putting his bed back into some semblance of order. He slung a coat around his shoulders before clambering up onto the roof to meet his friend. He wasn't bothered changing out of his pajamas and the coat should keep him warm enough.

Vanitas was already dressed when Noé arrived, as usual, and he greeted the vampire with a rare smile. Noé's heart jumped at that but he sat down beside him and began eating as normal. It wasn't as though anything had changed really. They were still doing the same routine as always. It just seemed like they were closer somehow. Or maybe it was all in Noé's imagination.

When he was alone and in trouble after his encounter with Jean Jacques he had reached out in desperation. Originally there had been a bright light in front of him but it morphed into Vanitas. That had to mean something. Noé hadn't had time to worry about it back in Gévaudan, but their interactions after their separation had been strange. Maybe not strange, but different.

They had gotten along better, even if Vanitas was still his abrasive self, and Noé began to wonder when it had happened. It seemed to have crept up on him gradually but he didn't dislike Vanitas anymore. He probably hadn't disliked him for some time. It had passed the point of simply being intrigued by the human and reached a point where he genuinely cared for him. And Vanitas seemed to care for Noé too.

It hadn't crossed Noé's mind that Vanitas could have grown to like him, even if on their first meeting he had said he liked the vampire. It wasn't until Vanitas had wiped the blood off his face in Gévaudan that he really started to consider it. Vanitas had been so gentle, tender, it was unexpected. Vanitas usually didn't initiate physical contact and if he did it was never gentle. Vanitas wasn't the type to get close to people even though he did care about them deep down. So it made Noé feel warm knowing that he had shown him at least some affection.

"What's with that stupid look on your face, Noé?" Vanitas tore into a piece of bread.

"I don't have a stupid look on my face."

"Liar," Vanitas scoffed, "if there's something on your mind why not come out and say it?"

"I was just thinking... you're so bright Vanitas, like the sun. Or maybe the blue moon is a more appropriate comparison?"

"Bright? Me of all people? That's ridiculous Noé. If anything I'm dark."

"No. I think you are surrounded by darkness but you yourself aren't. I didn't notice it at first, I thought you were part of the darkness too but I see now. You fight the darkness of the world and bring light to the world around you."

"That's a funny thing to say, Noé. I am endlessly selfish and greedy just like everyone else."

"You are," Noé agreed, "but you still do the right thing when you can, your reasons don't matter. I think you are amazing."

"Why are you getting all sentimental today?" Vanitas stood up, "I don't need any comfort if that's what this is about."

"No, I just realised some things in Gévaudan. You are frustrating and irredeemable but you're important to me now. We've been through a lot."

Vanitas cackled, "just don't go falling in love with me Noé, you know how I feel about that."

Vanitas brushed past him with a playful punch to his arm. Noé smiled though he wasn't sure if Vanitas was serious about his last comment. He liked Vanitas, that much was clear. He didn't know if he loved the man yet but if he did it didn't seem like Vanitas would abandon him. They had come too far together to even consider it. So, Noé gathered himself up and followed after Vanitas, looking forward to their next adventure.


I just vomited out the first thing that came to mind. I hope you enjoyed it anyway haha, I had fun writing it. It helped me calm down after reading the most recent chapter. I'm so glad they're together again! And such a tender reunion too! I loved that chapter but it felt too short, though all the chapters do because I'm constantly thirsting for more content (particularly when a new one is due to be released haha).

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