Chapter 1

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Seven years.

That's a long time to know someone. That's a long time to be so close to someone that you learn everything there is to know about them. Or so you'd think.

Silas and I have been friends for that long. Just friends nothing more, despite what everyone thought or said, we never saw each other in any other way.

We met our senior year of high school and immediately clicked. We had a lot in common but also had our differences. We were sort of the outcasts at school but we always had each other.

He was there for me when my dad died when I was 21 and when my mom hit rock bottom because of his death. And I was there for him through all of his hardships. We are inseparable. The only times we aren't together were when he was off doing his own thing.

His secret thing.

He has never once told me what he does when he isn't with me and I don't push. If it is something he wanted to share with me then he would.

Now we are 23 years old, living on our own. I lived with my mother up until last year. I thought I could help her change back into herself, back to the woman I grew up with but I just couldn't. Her drinking had gotten worse and she was always getting angry at every little thing. It just wasn't safe.

And Silas, well he just wanted to finally be on his own, to escape his family. Shortly after I moved out, I got a job at a small coffee shop down the street from our apartments which I completely love.

This morning as I get ready for work I hear my apartment door open. Silas had a copy of my key made so he could come over whenever. He said that it was so he could keep an eye on keep me safe.

"Hey." He greets as he leans against the white doorframe. I look at him through the mirror and give him a soft smile. The first thing I notice is that he changed his septum ring from a plastic black one to a metal one and he is wearing all black, like always.

"I gotta be down at the shop in like 15 minutes." I let him know as I finish applying my eyeliner. "What are you doing today?"

He comes into the bathroom fully and places himself on the counter so he's now sitting on the white marble. Silas does odd jobs here and there, which you wouldn't think he'd make a lot of money from doing but it's actually enough to pay his rent and more.

"I have a couple things I need to get done but I was thinking we could do a movie night tonight." He picks up my eyelash curler, opening and closing it as if they were scissors.

"That sounds fun!" I put the cap on the eyeliner and place it back into the makeup bag.

"Great." He sets the curler down and hops off the counter. "I'll come walk you home after work."

"Silas..." I put my hands on the marble and stare at him through the mirror. "You don't always have to do that."

"When you get off at nine it's gonna be dark. You shouldn't walk home alone at night." He has a serious tone to his voice.

"Fine." I give in. This is what I love about him. Always the protector. He's like the big brother I never had. I was an only child and I only I have a few cousins but we aren't close. He is really the only family I have.

"Tomorrow though," I point my index finger at him, "I get off at five so it will be light out. You won't need to walk me home."

"Won't need to. I have something planned for us tomorrow anyways. So I'll just swing by and pick you up." We walk out of the bathroom into my small bedroom where I look for my shoes.

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