Chapter 27

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This chapter will jump back and forth between Faye and Harry.

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Faye's POV:

After the agreement, Harry let me go into the library to choose a book while he searched for a blanket. I slowly circle around the room searching the shelves but it doesn't really matter what book I choose. It's not like I'll be really reading it anyways.

I stop walking and pull out a random book from the shelf and tuck it under my arm. As I make my way into the kitchen, Harry has a blanket folded on the counter. He leans against the granite as he scrolls through his phone waiting for me.

I clear my throat, making him lift his head to look at me. He slides his phone in his front pocket and grabs the blanket. We are silent as he opens the door to let us both outside. The stone steps are slick from the rain the night before so I am careful while I walk.

Harry stops in the yard and turns back to the house, looking at his office window. He steps to the side and nods his head before he places the blanket on the ground.

"I'll be watching you Faye." He tells me.

"Well that's not creepy or anything." I joke but he isn't amused. "Harry, relax. There's nowhere for me to go."

The lie sounds smooth rolling off my tongue. I wonder if he never noticed the small sliver of space between those trees.

He takes a step closer to me to where our bodies are almost touching. My heart skips a beat as I watch his eyes move from my own then down to my lips. Fuck. After everything. The torture, the fight last night... he can still make me feel this way.

I hate it.

"I have a call that I have to take then some paperwork to go through. You can stay out here while I do those things. When I'm done, I'll come get you to take you back inside."

"Okay." I say.

He steps to the side and walks past me. With my body standing in this position, I turn my head to the side so I can watch him walk away.

Once he is inside, I untuck the book from my arm and sit down on the blanket which is thick enough that the water won't seep through. I place the book in my lap and stare up at the sky. The sun is fighting so hard to peek through the clouds. You can see the subtle shine of the sun behind the dreary grey clouds. The air is a bit chilly so I'm glad I have my sweatshirt and sweatpants on. They almost make it bearable to sit out here.

I peel my gaze away from the sky to focus on Harry's office window. I can see him sitting at his desk, sifting through a stack of papers. He leans back in his chair to take his phone out of his pocket and brings it to his ear.

It's so quiet out here but I can still hear his voice. It is a soft muffle and it almost sounds angry. I open the book and bring my eyes down to it. I have no interest in reading the words so I just stare at the page. Every once in a while I steal glances to see what Harry is doing. I have to wait for the perfect moment to run.

After a while of fake reading, Harry hangs up the phone and sets it on his desk. His hands run through his hair and then he stands up. He looks in my direction once and I keep my head down so it looks like I'm reading. I watch as he walks away from his desk and out of my sight.

There's no way he is already coming to get me. I wait a moment and watch the back door to see if he is coming but he's not. If he was, he would have already been out here by now.

This is my chance.

I toss the book on the blanket and quickly stand up. He still isn't anywhere to be seen so I take off, straight for the small space. I don't hesitate when I reach it. I turn to the side to squeeze my way through and then I'm out.

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