Chapter 5

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Warning- There is some punishment involving knives in this chapter.

I lay curled up in the bed with the covers draped over me. I didn't sleep last night because my mind wouldn't stop racing. I still had so many questions for Harry but I know he most likely won't answer them.

My mind then slips to Silas. Is this really what he has been doing when we aren't together? Selling drugs and weapons? Did he actually have a relationship with his dad and I just didn't know about it? I have all these questions for him but I don't know when I'll see him again....or if I'll see him again.

My head tilts up to see the handcuff hanging from the bed post. I tap it with my finger and watch as it swings back and forth. I sigh as I get out of the bed and head to the window.

Looking out all I see are trees showing me that we are in the middle of nowhere. I place my hands on the locks of the window trying to turn them but they won't budge. They are just stuck in place. I sigh as I back away from the window and head to the bathroom.

When I look at myself in mirror I am completely disgusted. My mascara is running down my face from last nights shower cry and my hair is knotted from laying on it wet. I search through the white drawers to see what is in them... there isn't much.

I grab a rag from the drawer and go to the shower. Turning on the water before I peel off the damp clothes from my body. There is a brush on the counter so I grab it to bring with me. It will be easier to brush out the knots with conditioner in my hair.

The water is hot when I step in. I let it drench my entire body before I reach for the shampoo. It is an off brand, basic shampoo, I bring it to my nose inhaling the slight coconut scent. I squeeze it into my hand and lather it through my roots.

Once I rinse all the bubbles out, I move on to the conditioner applying most of it to my ends then some to the roots. Using the brush, I evenly distribute it throughout my hair. Cursing while doing so because the knots pulling at my scalp hurt. I wash my body with the bar of soap and then take the rag to my face to scrub off the mascara.

I soak in the water until my fingers look like prunes when I hear a noise outside of the shower. I twist my head to see Harry leaning against the door frame.

I quickly shut the water off and grab the towel that is hanging on the wall just outside of the shower. Luckily, the glass was so steamed from the time I've been in here that he couldn't see my body. I wrap the towel around me.

"What do you want?" I step out of the shower.

"Excuse me?" He tilts his head with annoyance.

"Oh, I'm sorry let me try that again." I look at him. "Good morning Harry, how did you sleep?"

He huffs. "You better watch the attitude Faye."

"Yeah yeah... I get it. Watch the attitude or you'll punish me." I say looking into the mirror.

I don't know why I'm being like this. I'm terrified as all hell but I don't want him to know that so I just resort to being a bitch.

In one swift move he is behind me gripping my waist, whipping me around to face him. His body presses hard against mine digging my lower back into the counter.

His hand wraps around my throat giving a tight squeeze, making my lips part from the shock. My eyes widen from the dark look in his eyes. It's starting to get harder for me to breathe.

"There is a room in the basement with everything I need to punish you." He jerks my head back roughly. "So don't tempt me." He says through his teeth. His eyes scan down my body before he released his grip on my neck.

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