Chapter 23

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"He loved her?" I ask even though they are the words Niall just spoke.

"Yes and like I said we aren't supposed to get involved with the girls so it ended very badly." He tells me.

"You never got involved with any of them? Never fell in love with one like Harry did?" I question.

"Nope never. You know why?" He turns toward me a bit. "Because I'm smarter than that. I know not to mix pleasure with business. Harry got caught up in her and got lost in between the two."

"I'm sure he wouldn't let it happen again." I shrug as I pick at the comforter.

"That's why I'm warning you Faye. I know I come off as an ass but that's just because of the business we are in. I actually don't mind you..."

"Wow... thanks." I say.

"What I mean is, you aren't like the other girls that come here. Just like Cora...she didn't belong here which means I can see Harry getting swept up in it all again." He says.

"He won't because of Nik." I state.

This is another lie because what's going on between Harry and I, he wants to continue. That alone tells me he isn't truly worried about the consequences.

"I sure hope not since Nik says you're special and has other plans for you..."

"Plans I don't even want to be a part of. Niall, he wants me to run the Mafia with him. We all know I'm not cut out for that." There is a look of confusion on his face.

His look doesn't surprise me given Harry had no idea about it either. Why would Nik tell them about his plan? He doesn't owe them any explanations. Suddenly, Niall's expression fades to what looks like sadness.

"It's better than the alternative." He drops his eyes trying to avoid contact with me.

"Which is what? Everyone has been really vague on what happens with the other girls. I don't understand why someone can't just tell me."

"Because it's none of your business Faye." He trails his eyes back up to mine.

"But it will be soon." I state. "Once I'm by Nik's side it will be my business."

"Then maybe you should wait for him to tell you." He lets out a sigh. "Listen... I'm just looking out for Harry's safety. And yours as well. I don't want anyone dying because Harry made another dumb mistake."

I open my mouth to say something but shut it when I hear footsteps storming towards the bedroom. My eyes widen as I look from the door to Niall who is still sitting on my bed. He looks unbothered but my heart is racing.

The door flies open revealing a very angry Harry. His eyes dance between Niall and I before he rushes over Niall and grips him by his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He clenched his teeth.

"Just checking on her." Niall gives a little smirk.

Harry doesn't say anything but instead, he lifts his fist which meets Niall's face.

"Harry!" I yell as I stand up from the bed.

Niall spits blood onto the floor then looks back at Harry. The look in his eyes is one I've seen before. Pure anger.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Harry yells in his face.

His grip comes undone on Niall's shirt and he takes a step back. Niall walks to the door but pauses for a moment then turns around to look straight at me.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through all this." He tells me before leaving the room.

I catch my breath when I see him disappear into the hall and I'm left alone with Harry. He runs his fingers through his dark hair then slams the door shut.

The sound causes me to jump and at this moment I'm terrified. He is so mad that who knows what he is going to do. If he goes back on his word of hurting me, he can't really take me to the basement since Silas is down there.

I stand in my spot as I wait for something to happen, for him to lash out. Then he turns around and makes his way over to me. I flinch when his hands cup my face and I see there is worry now in his eyes.

"Did he touch you?" His eyes keep a hold on mine.

"What? No!" I shake my head in his hands.

"Then why was he up here Faye?" His voice sounds frantic.

"He was checking on me, like he said." I half tell the truth.

He shakes his head in disbelief. "You're lying. Why was he up here?"

"He asked if we slept together." The words come out of my mouth so quietly that I'm not sure he heard me.

His jaw tightens letting me know that he did in fact hear me. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him that we didn't but he knew I was lying. He said that he was just looking out for us because of what happened last time."

His whole body tenses up once I've finished my sentence. "What... what did he tell you?"

"If I tell you, you need to promise you won't go down there and kill him."

"I'm not promising anything." He shakes his head.

"Harry..." I beg.

"Faye I swear if you don't tell me what he said..." his grip becomes stronger on my face as his eyes grow darker.

My eyes fall to the ground as I debate on telling him or not. If I do, then he could possibly hurt Niall. Even though Niall has been an ass, tonight he has really shown a different side of himself and I don't want him getting hurt.

On the other hand, if I don't tell Harry what he said there's a chance he could hurt me. It's a lose lose situation but I need to look out for myself.

"He told me that you loved her... Cora.." I let my eyes find his as his face flushes.

All the color drained at the sound of her name. His hands drop from my skin and rest at his sides. I stay silent as I wait for him to speak because I don't know what else to say right now.

The look he has is a mix of anger and sadness and I'm not sure which one he will act on. I watch as his chest quickly rises and falls. I bet if I listen closely in this silent room, I can hear his heart beating.

His eyes leave mine as he takes a seat on the bed. Resting his elbows on his knees, he brings his hands up in a praying position where his lips rest against his index finger.

I slowly make my way over to him and kneel down so that I'm face to face with him. I notice his eyes are slightly filling with water but he's fighting it.

"Harry... I don't expect you to talk about what happened," I begin, "but Niall is just worried. He wants both of us to be safe."

"That won't happen if we continue this." He finally speaks but keeps it at a whisper.

"Then we don't have to do this anymore. If that's what you want." I tell him.

He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "No... I want to keep doing this. I know if we get caught that I will die but you need to understand that no matter how special you are to Nik... he might kill you too."

I grab his hands and hold them in mine. I never break  eye contact as I take in a deep breath.

"I'd rather die than be his Queen."

I apologize for the lack of Gifs. I write some chapters on my phone and I'm unable to add them!!

Plus I'm too lazy to get my computer and just add them that way lol

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