Chapter 52

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I cried while writing this so grab some tissues!

To add to all the emotions, there will be a part of the story where you will see a * before a sentence. When you see this, there is a song that should play so have your Spotify or whatever app you listen to your music on ready.

The song is Happiest Year- Cover by Sing2Piano

When you see another * down a little bit more and the end of a sentence, then you will stop the song.

Enjoy <3

Faye's POV:

6 Months Later

"Does this look okay?" I stare into the mirror at the navy blue silk dress that drapes over my body. When I don't hear a response my eyes go from myself to look over my shoulder at Harry who is adjusting his black tie trying to make it perfect. A smile forms on my lips while I watch his concentration. "Would you like some help?"

My body turns and I am making my way over to him as he continues to fidget with the knot in the tie. "Why is it so hard even though I've done this like a thousand times?

"Maybe because you're nervous." I suggest as he drops his hands, fingers tapping the sides of his legs. I reach my hands up, adjusting the tie to the right position. All my focus is on getting it right for him since he seems so on edge.

Right now we are back in America having just finished moving things into our new place in London. After everything happened with Nik, we went to the train station and made a run for it, unsure if anyone was after us. We ended up meeting up with Niall and Abbie in Spain and then just went from there to see the world.

It had been amazing once we realized no one was after us. We actually got to enjoy ourselves as we traveled the world with each other and with our friends. We met up with Silas a couple of times on our travels and he and Harry actually got along really well. Silas met a beautiful Italian girl who he immediately fell in love with and now the two of them live together in a gorgeous house in Florence.

Once we had gotten to Spain after we fled London, we made the call to the police back in the states and told them about all the illegal business and human trafficking that had been going on at Niks house. Soon enough, we saw it all over the news and all the men were arrested and the women were saved. That had been one of the main things that I had told Harry needed to happen if we got free; those women needed to be saved to which he completely agreed with me.

Harry still had money saved away from working for Nik that we are financially stable to the point that I didn't need a job. Although I didn't need to work, I wanted to work. I found myself getting bored with having nothing to do so one day I went down to a small coffee shop and applied. They hired me immediately and I've been loving it ever since.

The reason we are back in America is because Niall and Abbie are here for a bit visiting her family so we came all this way to see them and get dinner. I'm not surprised they hit it off right away and I am extremely happy for them because Niall has always deserved someone to love and for someone to love him. Now he has that with Abbie.

"You look beautiful by the way." Harry's compliment brings me out of my thoughts and he wraps his arms around my waist. "Didn't want you to think I didn't hear your question earlier."

I'm done with the tie so I run my hands over his chest and up to his shoulders giving him a small smile. "You don't think it's too much?"

"We are going to a very nice dinner so no, I don't think it's too much." He answers.

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