Chapter 42

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Happy New Year!

*TW: This chapter contains violence, guns, death, blood and panic attacks.*

Thank you for 20K reads!

Faye's POV:

The inside of this house is just as big as the outside. I want to say it is even bigger than Nik's place. When we got inside a man who was wearing a nice white suit immediately welcomed us. I take note of the dark brown marble flooring in the entry way and the artwork that hangs on the walls. They all remind me of renaissance paintings, the ones you'd see in school history books. I bring my attention back to the men when Nik gives a nod of his head and proceeds to walk forward down the hall, his arm still wrapped around mine.

Harry is close behind us, eyes burning into the back of my head watching my every move as well as Niks. I am afraid of what Harry will do if Nik does kiss me again. I try to shake the image out of my mind of Harry killing Nik when we eventually reach a huge set of double doors at the end of the hall, making me nervous about what is going to be on the other side. We stop outside the doors, standing still just staring at them.

"Remember Faye; stay by my side the entire time and don't speak unless you are spoken to."  Nik fixes his suit jacket and messes with his hair a bit almost like he is nervous. His hand meets the door handle and swings it open.

When I finally see what is waiting for us, I notice there are multiple tables set up with people sitting at each, talking to one another, laughing as they are having a good time. It reminds me of the party Nik held but this was more of a personal setting. Everyone here is a bit older than the three of us and there are more men than women. The women that are in here sit by their husbands' sides with their mouths shut.

Nik gives my arm a squeeze as we approach the back table where a man has a cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth. He is laughing loudly with the man next to him as if he just said something hilarious. Maybe this is why Nik seemed so jealous. All of these men are way older than him and most likely have more experience in the business. He doesn't want to look stupid in front of them.

"Frank." Nik speaks up over the man seated in front of us.

"Ah Dominik, you've made it!" He gives a big grin then looks over at me. "And I see you brought one of your whores, dressed her up real nice."

After his words he lets his eyes scan up and down my body, holding his gaze at my breasts. My hand that is resting on Nik's arm tightens from what the man had called me and my body cringes as he checks me out. Harry shuffles his feet behind us, and I know he is fighting everything in him to not kill this man.

"Fiance." Nik corrects him.

"Huh?" The old man darts his eyes back to Nik.

"She is my fiance, not one of my whores. I think you owe her an apology." Nik states. I bring my left hand up to grab hold of Niks bicep to show off the diamond ring.

"I am sorry Miss. Shouldn't have assumed." He holds his hand over his heart.

"That's alright." I accept his apology with a fake smile.

"Now if you are done insulting my future wife, can we get down to business?" Nik asks.

"Of course." He sets the cigar down in an ashtray. "Why don't you have your assistant here take your fiance to get a drink. Women have no place when making deals."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Harry's jaw tense up from being called Nik's assistant. "They can both stay. When we are married, she will be a part of the business."

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