Chapter 19

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Faye's POV- Nightmare:

I walk down the stairs in my house to head into the kitchen. My mother has already left for work by now so it is just my dad and I in the house. He usually works from home with the occasional meetings in his office.

As I ascend the stairs I hear a crash come from the kitchen. Stopping in my tracks I listen and try to make out the muffled voices that come from the room. Slowly, I begin walking down the stairs and I begin to hear the voices clearly.

"You don't have to do this!" I hear my father say.

There is a small chuckle then a man speaks. "Oh but I do."

I enter the doorway of the bright kitchen when both sets of eyes are on me.

"Honey, go back upstairs." My father tells me with a gun pointed to his head.

I look from him then to the man holding the weapon. "Nik?"

"Ah my lovely Faye! You came down just in time." He removes the gun from my fathers forehead.

"In time for what?" I stay in my spot as he walks over to me.

Holding out the gun in front of me, I stare at the metal then back up to Nik.

"Take it sweetheart." He demands.

My body moves before my mind can think straight and I'm now holding the cold metal in my hands. It lies flat against my palms and I just stare at it unsure of what I am supposed to do now. Nik moves a little closer to me when he speaks again.

"Shoot him." He tells me, making my eyes dart up to his.

"What? No... I'm not going to shoot my father!" I push the gun back out for him to take.

He stops my hands, pushing it back to me. "If you are going to be my Queen, then you will need to learn how to do this."

"I don't even want that." I shake my head.

Niks hand is quick to meet the back of my head where his fingers thread into my hair. My head gets yanked back and he clenches his jaw, his eyes full of anger now.

"You don't really have a choice." He says through his teeth. "Now shoot him."

He releases his hold on my hair and takes a step back. The gun is still sitting in my hand as tears start to run down my cheek.

"Faye..." I hear my dad's voice. "It's okay."

"No... it's not dad. I can't do this to you."

"It will be okay, I promise."

My feet begin to move over to where he is standing and stopping when I am right in front of him. I feel Nik standing right behind me when he grabs my arms and slowly pushes it up to bring the gun to my dad's head.  At this point my hand is shaking and I can't control the tears that are coming out of my eyes.

"It's alright Faye." My dad nods his head. "I love you no matter what... always remember that."

" you too." I choke out in-between my cries.

"Alright sweetheart, steady your hand and focus on your breathing." Nik's voice is quiet next to my ear.

I focus on my breathing like he tells me to and place my finger on the trigger. I give my dad an apologetic look before I shut my eyes. My finger hovering over the trigger when I hear Nik tell me to pull it.

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