Chapter 33

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Faye's POV:

I'm competitive.

I've been ever since I was a little girl. Growing up I played soccer and volleyball and I always wanted to win. I guess that kind of means I'm a sore loser but not to the point you could tell. Sure I would get angry whenever I lost but I didn't scream and yell. Instead I kept quiet.

When Harry started demanding stuff while we were having sex, my competitive side came out. I wanted to prove that I could do whatever he asked , that I wouldn't fail. Also I wanted to please him. That's what I wanted to do the most. So that's what I did.

I kept quiet even though it was the hardest thing to do. Some whimpers and quiet moans escaped my lips but not loud enough for him to stop. I didn't know I would be capable of doing that but when I set my mind to something, nothing stops me.

I was very proud of myself for staying so quiet and not coming until he told me to. Then the way he praised me made me feel so good. He helped clean me up and we ended up falling asleep together in the king size bed.

When I open my eyes, freeing me of my thoughts, I see Harry whose face is so close to mine that our noses are almost touching. I probably shouldn't have slept with him last night but something inside me couldn't help myself. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps next to me it makes me smile. It's actually the most calm I've ever seen him. No angry expression on his face which is weird to see.

What happened in the bathroom last night creeps into my mind as my gaze stays on him. He almost killed a man for touching me but then again, he killed a man for looking at me in a way he didn't like.

I am super thankful that he rushed in when he did. Things could have gone a lot worse and from what he said last night; that guy was probably going to kill me. My eyes scan over his relaxed face and then up to his hair which is still a mess.

I lift my arm bringing my hand to his hair, brushing the loose strands out of his face. A small sigh escapes him then a slight smile forms on his lips at my touch. His arm wraps around me to pull me closer to him, our bare bodies colliding.

"Morning." His voice is raspy.

"Morning." I say with a smile.

My lips meet his jaw as I slowly plant kisses all over his skin. They move down to his neck making him let out a soft moan and then I can feel his dick harden between us.

"Careful Faye, it may be early but I'll still fuck you senseless." He says into my ear, chills cover my body.

"I think I'd be okay with that." I bite at his skin pulling a moan from his mouth.

In one sudden movement he has me on my back and his lips are trailing down my neck to my bare breasts. He peppers kisses over my skin then takes me fully into his mouth. My hands run through his hair as my back arches from the feeling of his tongue swirling around my nipple.

His arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him; his skin is hot on mine and I can feel him growing hard against me. His free hands moves down my waist then he slides his finger into my folds.

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